Nobody gave us cookies, but seeing the paint got me superexcited about painting to help needy pugs. I started picking out paint colors and everything... until my human said no and dragged us back to the rocks.
ME: Why no? I thought I was going to learn to paint? Like Bellatrix said. Remember, the elephants? How can I paint to help pugs without -
HUMAN: I didn't mean no-you-can't-paint-to-help-the-pugs. I meant no to the paint.
ME: What's wrong with it? Are my colors ugly?
HUMAN: Oh Pug, your colors are fine. But Home Depot paint is different than painting-paint. To paint, you need painting-paint.
Humans have a way of making things soooo complicated, don't they??
I have no idea what the difference is between paint from The Depot and "painting-paint", but I've learned not to ask questions about this kind of stuff. So I just asked if we could go somewhere that sells the painting-paint I need to help pugs.
My human said yes and promised to take me to a place called Flax Art. Google says it's where creative people shop. Stay tuned...