A third grade teacher in Canada started The Flat Stanley Project to get kids interested in letter-writing. It kinda works like this: A Flat Stanley cutout visits a school. The kids treat Flat Stanley like a guest. They take him places, do cool things with him and maybe even give him tasty snacks. Then the kids write about Flat Stanley's visit, take some pictures and mail him off to his next adventure.
Flat Stanley has visited 47 countries and has been photographed with presidents and famous people. Hmmmm....
Genius idea: how about a Flat Puglet?
Flat Puglet could visit foreign lands like Canada. Or New Jersey. He could go to Chicagoland and share Popeyes with Stubby. Or maybe Portland, where Jenny the pug lives. Flat Puglet could also be photographed with famous people. He could become famous and use that fame to save pugs!
Besides, a lot of you live really far away - this could be the only way I'll ever get to visit you. So if you think this sounds as cool as I do...
Email your name & mailing address to: dailypuglet(at)gmail.com
We'll mail a Flat Puglet to the first address we get. Everyone else will be added to a list of hosts. My human will send each host the address of the next host on the list.
A Flat Puglet host promises to:
- take a picture of Flat Puglet in a foreign land (uh, your town)
- tell us something Flat Puglet's visit
- mail Flat Puglet on to the next host
My human will post the pictures & stories for all to enjoy. Kinda cool, huh?
Well, Puglet, that IS Chicago! We know that, cuz we live here! Well, in Skokie, anyway. We'd love to start out the Flat Puglet Parade because our Mom tells us we are too smelly to go to the wedding next year, and will have to go as Flat Gen and Flat Fuji. Hmmmph!
Gen & the Foo
ps I hope Flat you gets to Seattle to see Jenny!
great idea Puglet. Just think of all the pugs in the world you could help. You're like the biggest heartest pug ever!
What a fun idea Puglet! Hopefully you gets lot's of responses.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
What a great idea, Puglet! I know Lafayette isn't exactly foreign, but we'd love to have 'flat you' for a visit!
Lafayette Lola
ps- my mom says Chicago is her most favorite place to visit...except you have to time it right- or it will be too hot or too cold. She says the wind feels like knives in the winter-doesn't matter how much you bundle up.
What a great idea... I would love for you to visit me! I don't live too far from you but we could go on an adventure... I think you will be famous real soon.
Puglet, you would not even want to be in Chicago right now, flat or not. We're in the middle of a blizzard and even though my shiba fur is warm (and sometimes the snow is fun) after about 5 minutes I'm ready to came back inside.
Ooooh - this is super exciting. We've gotten a bunch of emails from all over the place. Looks like Flat Puglet is going to get to see the world. Keep 'em coming!!
PS > I've never been to Chicago. I've heard they have tasty hotdogs there, but the weather sounds icky. I don't think Flat Pug will mind any kind of weather though.
Hi Puglet! Mom tells me the blizzard we are having is nothing. Just a little snow. A little? I'm staying in until it all melts.
We do have great hotdogs here and maybe the weather is cold in the winter but Chicago is a great place. Flat Puglet will love it here!
Stubby xoxo
What a cool idea Puglet - maybe your 'flat Puglet' will be able to visit Jenny?!
Excellent idea! What an awesome way to get famous & spread the word about recycled & needy pugs(all dogs for that matter). Maybe you can visit Oprah when you're in Chicago, she's reeally famous. Ellen would be a good show to try to get on she loves animals & always following people on the internet so a pug would be even more interesting - especially a pug with a big heart like you.
We are very excited to see where you end up!
luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Portland, Oregon isn't terribly exotic, but it's a wonderful place for Pugs, flat or otherwise...
My mom sent a note to Oprah about having flat Puglet on her show. Maybe if some of you have your mom's send Oprah an email maybe she will invite Flat Puglet for a visit. Here is here he link http://www.oprah.com/contact_us.html
See ya
Miley I know I'm pushie
So many good ideas! I wonder if Flat Puglet could be made out of recycled stuff?
Thanks for being pushie, Miley. You can come with me if we go on Oprah :)
Uhm, Hi Jenny!
It's OK if Oregon isn't exotic. I'd visit Portland no matter what. Even in a giant blizzard...
We sent an email to Oprah, too! I hope she reads them!
Lafayette Lola
What fun!!! I hope flat you gets to me soon. I can't wait to show you around. My mom took Miley's advice and wrote to Oprah about you. Maybe you will be "discovered". It's only raining here in Gladstone, Oregon, no snow. Come on, let's go to the park.
Let me know if you need help creating Flat Puglet. My mom works for a sign company, and they can make those lifesize cutouts.
Arnie the agility pug
Puglet, what a great idea - you will be famous. We would love to have Flat Puglet visit us here in Indianapolis, IN. We will have mom send you an email.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
ohhhh Puglet Jenny likes your idea. Sweet!
Ooooh - thanks Arnie! My human said something about breaking out the laminator?? It sounds kinda scary so I hope she chickens out. Will give a woo-woo if her Flat Puglet plan doesn't work.
Go Team Flat Puglet!
Laminator would work, but she has this stuff that is like foam core, only waterproof and solid (does that make sense?) She can print a sticker onto it (really good quality - I have stickers of ME on her car). Then she can cut it out to the shape of YOU!
Let me know if you want her to help you with that. I was a rescue pug, and she is a foster mom for PROS. So anything to help homeless pugs!
Wow Puglet! I'm emailing you now so you can come to Sin City. Viva Las Vegas, Lola
Ok. Oprah & Ellen have been notified of your noble quest. Now they can fight for who gets you first. We won't rest until we get you on TV.
Good Luck!
Zoey & Phoebe
Oprah and Ellen were on a recent "O" cover together;now they can do it again with Flat Puglet! I can't wait 'till cousin Puglet visits me in NJ. Cousin Sophie
Drag Queen Pug (www.dragqueenpug.com) can't wait to receive Flat Puglet!
We made flat puglet cookies this summer. We reshaped a tin cookie cutter to turn it into a pug's head, baked 20 pug cookies, and decorated them with icing and candy. They had licorice noses.
And then we ate them all!
Karen and Capone
Capone and I just realised that Jenny the Pug made a comment on our Youtube video several months ago. But we didn't know then who she is. She said ''Jenny the Pug loves Hug-a-bug Pug. So wonderful" Ooh - love is in the air all the way to Canada now!!!
Karen and Capone
Dude, I saw her first! Uh, I think.
Is Canada closer to Oregon than San Francisco????
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