Last week when all the Flat Puglet stuff started, one of Spencer B's humans sent us a news story about this guy who's riding his bike from Chicago -> San Francisco. Kinda cool, but not exactly newsworthy. Except that the guy (his name is Marshall) is doing the ride with his recycled Basset Hound (her name is Antigone) riding shotgun in a trailer (aka "the contraption").
It gets better though. Turns out Marshall is pedaling those 4,000 miles to raise awareness about rescue dogs and... suicide prevention? Yup. Because when Marshall (a Veteran/former English professor) couldn't find a job and life wasn't very happy, Antigone kept him from giving up. Like, for good.
I don't exactly know how Marshall got the idea to ride a bike halfway across the country, but I'll find out soon. We're meeting up with him & Antigone this weekend after they do a victory lap of the Golden Gate Bridge. My human offered to take some extrasuperspecial pictures of Antigone and I want to get the full scoop on their story so we can tell the world about it on flatpuglet.com (coming soon!!!).
You can read more about Marshall & Antigone: http://www.hesperiastar.com/articles/lee-3166-worker-office.html
Or check out their travel blog: http://antigonebasset.blogspot.com/
Puglet this is a wonderful story about the love mommie and daddies have for us. Mommy worked at an animal shelter on September 11 2001. They didn't open for adoptions that day or for a few days after, but instead opened their doors for people who needed to just get some affection from dogs and cats. Many humans were sad and the recycled animals helped them. I know my mommy said it made things a little easier. I know we don't have a "job" where we have to punch a clock, but we do have an important job to keep our mommies and daddies happy.
my mom has said countless times that i am her reason for living. she suffers from depression too and even if she doesn't feel like getting out of bed, she does so that she can feed me and spend time lavishing me with attention
Marshall & Antigone's story is so wonderful - to see and read about their love and adventure. This has to raise awareness for recycles... I would love to see them come across the bridge and celebrate their story.
My humans tell me I am the sunshine of their lives... and I'm happy to be there for them!
We love this story! It's nice to know that there are so many people who have similar stories. Our human had part of a brain tumor removed & the recovery was very hard (sometimes still is hard but not very often). Her life had completely changed & she felt like giving up too. Then she was given a little pug puppy from a shelter who needed to find homes for them fast. She named him Yoda & he got her through her darkest days. He made her so happy that she expanded her family to include us.
Thank you Puglet, Dutch & to your human for having such big, open hearts to share with all of us & brighten our days.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Thanks Puglet, this is a wonderful story. We're gonna follow their blog. Betty did an accidental major butt sniff to a Basset Hound yesterday. Mom posted pictures on our blog.
This sounds awsome and we all can't wait to see them finish at the bridge!
Hi Puglet! What a great story! I don't know why I hadn't heard about it since I live in Chicago.
I'm so glad one of Spencer's peeps sent the story to you and that you've shared it with us. It's very inspirational and I bet you can't wait to meet Marshall and Antigone this weekend.
I have a buggy very similar to Antigone's and I'm hoping Mom doesn't get some crazy idea to take me on a long distance trip. Maybe Flat Puglet could go on a trip across America, but not hungry Stubby.
Stubby xoxo
Bellatrix got it totally right:
"we don't have a 'job' where we have to punch a clock, but we do have an important job to keep our mommies and daddies happy"
My human says a lot of people would be very sad and lonely without their dogs. I know she would be. Her gimpy brain gets tired really easy and she has to spend a lot of time alone to 'recharge'.
She says me and Dutch don't drain her battery so she can be with us and still recharge. With us, even when she's alone, she's not lone-ly alone.
Uh, if that makes any sense.
My stressed out human who works crazy long hours, decompresses by having regular Ollie cuddles throughout the day. She swears that she would be on blood pressure medication if it wasn't for me.
And everyone else in the office agrees, the work load & deadline pressures are that much lighter with me around. I'm sort of like a life coach around here.
Hooray to Antigone & Marshall and everyone else here who've been challenged by adversity and have found courage because of four paws and a wet nose.
Hi Puglet,
I've been reading your blog for about a month now, but today's post has really inspired me to comment.
I've been out of work, lonely and sad for a few months now, but where I live I can't have any furry friends with me to cheer me up. So your blog has been my little substitute for a while. All your canine adventures have helped me smile a little each day. So thank you for sharing your fun life with us all and thank you for sharing Marshall and Antigone's story also, it's a good reminder for me to keep going each day.
I know I'm only one person, but I'm one girl who's converting to recycled dogs. When I am able to have a furry friend again I'll be checking out who needs a new home.
Good luck with FP, I hope it's still going when I get a class again because I would love to share you with a group of students.
*hugs* Mel.
Puglet~ What a wonderful story! My Mommy tells me she couldn't have moved across the U.S. with her new husband without me to talk to and cuddle with. It makes me feel happy. Also, just today she was reading an article on CNN about 2 organizations called VETS2PETS and Pets 4 Vets who match recycled dogs with Vets who are having a hard time getting used to civilian life again... Once they receive their new companion, they start to feel calmer, happier, and more able to get back into a "normal" routine- even if it's just getting up to feed and walk their new dogs! We dogs are pretty special, huh? Pug Hugs, Las Vegas Lola
Thank you for sharing Marshall and Antigone with us, I can't wait to hear about your meeting with them and see all the fabulous pictures your mom will take.
Though I have many furry friends, who have helped me through the roughest times, you are my dog Puglet. I will probably never meet you in the fur, but I keep up with your adventures and musings, and every day I know I can count on you (and your mom) for something thoughtful and caring, which is a wonderful treat when it seems like the world is a hostile, miserable place.
I love my 2 guinea pigs, 2 cats, and rabbit extrasuperspecial much, but it's comforting to know that down in a place I love (and miss terribly) there is a sweet little pug doing wonderfulsillycaring things, and that I get to share a tiny piece of that.
Thank you for sharing our story with your readers! I know the Companion is excited about meeting you guys at the park! For me, well I don't get excited about much I'm much more low key--but I can't wait!
The companion ads this: "Thanks for reading and understanding how important a dog can be in our lives."
Crissy Field here we come!
hi puglet!
oh it is so nice to meet you!
emmitt and i are so happy you said hello today!
we LOVE your blog!
:) m & e
Aw, hi Mel & Sara. I'm soooo glad I'm able to bring warm and fuzziness. That makes ME all warm and fuzzy inside.
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