You might remember when I fell in love with Jenny the pug and needed help. Ollie the wise Canadian beagle has a girlfriend and said I should write Jenny a poem, so I wrote her poems. She seemed to like my poem, so I wrote her a special Valentine's Day haiku (and sent her a bully penis). I'm not sure if it was my poetry or just because Jenny lives in another state, but things didn't work out.
Anyway, I haven't felt love since then.
Until last month. When I went to the place where the homeless dogs live. I wasn't 100% happy about my human using Nikon on other dogs, so I kept a close eye on things from the car. That's when I saw her.
She was completely cute and totally worked it for Nikon. I didn't know her name, so in my head I called her Heidi. Y'know, like the supermodel lady. Usually I wouldn't be happy about my human using Nikon to help another dog look cute. But with Heidi, it didn't bother me at all.
That's when I knew she might be the one.
So I told my human how Heidi made me feel. And she told me her name isn't Heidi, it's Twizzle. Uhm, OK. Twizzle. She also thought Twizzle was pretty cool and said she'd ask Peninsula Humane Society to set us up. Like on a date.
And they said yes!!
We're meeting tomorrow. And now I'm supernervous because I think I really want Twizzle to like me back. Any advice??
* * *
Happy Born Day to Zoey (of Phoebe + Zoey) here in the Bay Area. I'll be eating a cookie with my breakfast to celebrate your day :)
Just be yourself! Everyone who reads your blog is in love with you and most of us have not met you in person. She's one lucky girl! Have fun on your date!
OMG she's supercute !!! Puglet just be yourself, you're super funny guy, I'm also a girl, and girls love super funny guys, trust me, she'll like you back for sure !!!I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow!!!
and HAPPYYYYY Born Day Zoey, we'll have cookie to celebrate your day in the evening ;)
Just be your loveable self, strut your stuff, be calm, cool and collected, Twizzle will fall for you in a heartbeat.
I know because if I lived near you I'd love to be your flame!
Happy Birthday to Zoey Happy Birthday to Zoey.
Ellie of the 3E's in San Antonio
PS - Don't sniff her butt right off, but a kiss on the snout would be wonderful. You picked a cutie pie.
If she's the one, she'll know it too. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Happy Born Day, Zoey.
I can't believe such a cute girl is still at the shelter... Might as well, take her home tomorrow !! 2 or 3 dogs, not much difference. (right?)
HBD, Zoey ~
ps. hey, 3Es and L, we will talk about pug month.... soon
Sammy from snowy Minnesota
You two make an adorable couple Puglet. Girls like flowers and you may want to bring edible ones like pink carnations or pansies.
Meredith & Scarlet
I smell romance!
With that one ear up and one ear down, those eyes and that smile, it's kind of hard not to fall for a gal like Twizzle (You're still the queen of my heart, Minnie! Please don't bite me.)
Relax, have fun and bring snacks for your date. Lots of snacks. Nothing says 'I'm Serious About You' more than a really tasty treat.
P.S. Happpy Birthday Zoey! Sending Golden Chicken wishes your way.
Puglet, all females want a bad boy, you should totally wear a leather jacket and some shades and act like you don't like her. Oh, and at least get to sniff butt base with her this time Puglet.
Puglet, just be yourself... how could she resist?! Twizzle is really cute and you two could make magic with Nikon.
Happy Day Zoey! I'll be thinking of you while I celebrate with something yummy!
What a sweet and funny girl. I'm not sure whether to be happy for you or jealous.
As for tips: Maybe you can convince your human to feed you some bacon or maybe some SPAM just before you meet her so you smell yummy. Other than than, just don't go poodle and everything should work out fine.
Pee S. - Happy B Day Zoey!
It looks like she's smiling in her pic! She looks very sweet...but don't be fooled by the ladies. Bring snacks and be yourself. You should definitely sniff butts tomorrow. That's how you'll know if it's meant to be.
Lafayette Lola
oh- and bring a poem, too. Us chicks totally dig that mushy stuff
Aww, Pug!
Two words: SPAM Cookies!
Chics dig guys who bake :)
Molly in PA
Whatever happened to Sophie? She lives in your city, she's got a lot of experience and she gave you your first real kiss? Did you lose that jello-y feeling for her already? Just askin'
I agree with the other comments that said to just be yourself, but it won't hurt if you came with some gifts of cookies, bacon, or golden chicken... or if things aren't going well, offer to take her to the super market with you and Dutch. That would seal the deal for me! Good luck Puglet and have fun!
Zoey, happy Birthday!
Payton from Mascoutah
OK, so:
Bring food (or eatable flowers)
Smell good
Be funny
Pretend I don't like her
Talk about SPAM
Tell her I can bake
Invite her to the supermarket
Sniff butts
Don't sniff butts
Don't go poodle
Got it. Uhm, maybe it'd just be easier to write some poetry?!?
Oh yeah. I don't remember who Sophie is!? Did I love her once? There was Gracie, the BBB (Big Beautiful Bulldog) but I never saw her again :(
Oh Puglet,
You are the man!
Heidi, uhm, I mean Twizzle is certain to fall for you. How could she not, you're funny, green, and debonair. You also know how to Jimmy like no other. I would definitely sniff her butt and bring Spam. We girls like that.
Love ya'
Oh Puglet. You're so popular I understand how you can mix up all the women in your life. It was your post - October 26, 2010. Pug Love.
Anyhoo, hope all works out with this new lady friend of yours. Definitely bring her a present and some snacks. Good Luck!
OOPS! Happy Birthday Zoey! Hope you get all the treats you wish for.
Oooooooh yeah. Sophie! Pixie's sister. Ooops. I guess that jello-y felling never came back :(
Hi Puglet, "she" looks pretty nice and I wish you good luck for your date with Twizzle.
I do not really have an advice for you how you can win over Twizzle - just be yourself! She will be totally charmed by you.
I am in love with a big lady called Adelheid, she is a molosser typ of dog and looks like a huge pug. My mom closed her eyes when I started to make first advances on her. I think she likes me. Let's see how this works out.
Apart from her I like Bruno, my pug friend to which my mom says this is ok but I should try to date a pug fräulein. My vet heard the news about Bruno with concern, but mom calmed her down.I do not know why they both laughed but never mind.
Good luck and hi from Berlin,
Hey Carlos!
Tell your mom (and the vet) your thing for Bruno is called a bromance. Totally kosher. At least here in San Francisco.
Me & my buddy Frank have a serious bromantic connection:
PugletPuggy, this here is your good pal Howie Pee PugpantsPuggy. If she still likes yew after you hog all her food and fart when you're napping, that's how yew know she's the one. That's about all I got to say. I don't write poetry but I can burp really loud.
your good friend,
Reliable PeeMan
She is adorable! Look at that come-hither look she's giving the camera--totally workin' it! she must have many admirers
I think Twizzle is the perfect girl for you, Puglet. She looks really cute and of course she's recycled just like us. I think you have a good handle on how to woo a girl so I'm sure your date will be perfect.
A big happy birthday shout out to Zoey! Momma has met Zoey a couple of times and says she's really cool and pretty.
With that big smile of hers and your big brown eyes...how can it not work out??
Just please don't try to hump her on the first date!
Kris in Oklahoma
just be your cute adorable self, Puglet.. how could anybody not fall in love with you?! I think a bacon treat or two might be helpful too!
Oh Puglet. I'll just have to pine for you from afar. When Jenny was my only competition I figured I had a chance, but out of sight out of mind I guess.
distant xoxo
bromance !!! love this word:)
our good pug friend Szejk is like master of bromances :) his mom took him to our vet (who is sooooo nice), and ask is it ok to have bromances like all the time?? and our vet said "hmm it's ok, Szejk is simply European":)whatever that means :)
OK Kris, no humping :)
Hi Scoutie!
You know I think you're ridiculously cute (my human showed me that video of you and the trainer lady who talks like another country). But after the whole Jenny thing, I decided never to date out of state. Long distance love is too painful :(
Carlos ~
Dutch is European too. I think that's why it's OK for him to love pink, even though he's a boy.
Dutch likes girls when they're hot or in heat or whatever, but has a full-time bromance with Vegas - one of the Crazy Labrador brothers. They are totally in LOVE.
Hey Puglet, Barney here, I am the white one in the picture. Although my girl Buffy is in the pic with me, she lives downunder where ever that is and we only get to talk on the internet because of something called quarter teen. Her mom is really good with photo shop. Anyway, I think that you should take the new girl out for homemade goodness. A little golden chicken should do the trick. Flowers are good but they don't have any here in the desert where I live.
Good luck.
Happy Birthday Zoey!!!!
Puglet be yourself and you will have her following you everywhere...
She is a total cutie-patooty! I think everyone gave you paw-some tips for your first date, but the best tip is to be your lovable, handsome self. I kinda have a crush on a Pug named Benito at my doggie day care. Crushes make your belly all warm and fuzzy...some licks and a cookie or two alongside your supermodeling self...TOTALLY irresistible!
Have fun!
And Happy born day, Zoey!
Snorts and snarfles,
Puglet's got a date!!! Right on, dude! Good luck.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOEY!!! Boy, I sure hope I can get up to a PugSun soon so I can tell you in person(?)... er, ...dogson(?), ...in the fur!
Thank you everybody who wished me a happy birthday. My human forgot her phone all day and so we haven't seen all these wonderful well wishes until now. Noodle we hope to see you at PugSun soon too.
Just be your self, Pug, she'll love you. Phoebe wants to know if the two of you fall in love will she move in?
Luv, Zoey (the birthday girl) & Phoebe
I know that like EVERYONE is saying this, but just be your totally awesome self!! She will definitely like you back! Hope this works!! :)
~ Frankie from Seattle
Good Luck, Puglet! Just be sure not to dive into your "poo stash" before meeting her. But if you must, be sure to mask the stinky breath with some cookies!
She's stunning Puglet... go for it!!!!
Be a S.N.A.P. (Sensitive New Age Pug) Like me. And you can win her over. By the way, if you fail, my sister Mei Mei is in Melbourne. Contact my MaMa for her paws. Since she (my MaMa) is a big fan of yours, you should have no problems. My sister is a jewel. She is also a sporty pug. Bring her a stack of possum poo. And you'll get her!
Cho Cho
Yo Puglet, you gotta do the courtship thing. Play. I got a steady girl, her name is Scout, she's a bunny-soft Australian shepherd. Scout belongs to my Boy (my Momma is my Boy's Momma too). They live in Denver but we go visit them, and they come visit us, and then every year at Christmas Ms Scout LIVES AT MY HOUSE!! for 3 weeks. My Mom says, Ms Scout is her Christmas Pup. We play. We play hard. We play all day long. We nap together. I give Scout kisses. We share the treats and mind our manners. And it leads to happy things :^)
Murphy the Gollie (golden/border collie)
Hi Puglet,
Bromance? Good to know. I hope my vet lady thinks it is kosher, too .. otherwise … oh dear!
Anyway, as we live in a famous part of Berlin which –to say the least- can full-heartedly called “Little S.F.” she will know. In fact, my mom and my vet laughed about this terribly, oh well! But I do like our neighbors and they like pugs! Me especially ..
And just like Dutch I do like pink – I have a pink doghouse in my living room and a friend said to my mom that it all started like this. Now I do not know what started “all like this”, I simply like pink! And Bruno and bromances, too. Brooomances .. nice word, I like English!
European Greetings .:))
Carlos the Berliner
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