Yeah, I know. It's almost next year and I'm still talking about Christmas. And you're probably thinking 'Ok Pug, enough with freaking Christmas already'. But trust me, you totally want to hear about this present.
Because this present is the gift of never-ending cookies. And it's a gift I'm going to share with all my friends (that's you!) so everyone can enjoy the Best Present Ever too.

I'm talking about The Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook. Yup. A bit fat book of cookie-making awesomeness, written by the geniuses at the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company. I should probably mention that this present requires the use of working thumbs and was technically given to my human, but even she got kinda excited about it. Even though it's a recipe book and we all know how she feels about ovens and recipes and stuff.
Anyway. I was so excited about a life full of cookies from the ODBC that I wrote to the Bubba people and asked them if I could share some of the recipes with you (something about a copyright? Not sure. Google made me do it). The Bubba people were totally nice and said it's ok for me to share (thanks Bubba people!). I even convinced my human that we should test the recipes out before I share them. Y'know, for quality control purposes.
How awesome is that??
Pretty awesome, I think. My human has been totally MIA this week so we haven't tested any of the recipes yet. But I don't want to wait around for her thumbs to get home, so I picked out a recipe from a list of special treats for each month on the calendar. Since December is practically over (and January sounded super yummy), here's a recipe to help you celebrate the new year.
Oh yeah. First, a few things about the ODBC recipes. They are all corn, soy and wheat free (attn: Noodle and other allergics!!). I'm not technically allergic to corn, but it kinda makes me fart, so my human was happy to see the words 'corn free'.
Some of the ingredients they use might sound a little funky (what's an oat flour?) but my human said she's seen all of them in our local grocery store. If your human can't find something, the ODBC says dog biscuits aren't rocket science so it's ok to make substitutions and play around with different ingredients. I say you should add bacon whenever possible, but that's totally up to you and your human.
From Bubba Rose Bakery's Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook
For the dough:
1 cup oat flour
1 1/4 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup peanut butter (unsalted)
1 TBS honey
1 egg
2/3 cup water
For the topping:
8 oz. CAROB chips (check label for soy lecithin if allergic to soy!) 8 oz. WHITE chocolate chips (white chocolate is dog safe)
Preheat oven to 350. Combine all dough ingredients together and mic until a dough forms. Roll out on a lightly floured surface to 1/4" thickness. Use a round cookies cutter or the rim of an upside down grass to cut our 2" circles of dough. Reform and reroll the dough to get as many circles from it as possible. Place the circles on an ungreased cookies sheet (they can be rather close together as they don't grow much while cooking).
Bake 20-25 minutes. Transfer and let cook completely on a wire rack.
When the cookies are cooling, prepare the topping. To do so, heat the white chocolate ships over low heat in a double boiler or microwave until melted. Dip half of each cookie into the melted white chocolate and place back on a wire rack to cool. Once all cookies are cooled to the touch, heat the carob chips in a double boiler or in the microwave until melted. Dip the other half of each cookie into the melted carob and place back on a wire rack to cool.
{Note: the San Antonio Pugs' patented drizzle technique would totally work for these cookies. Just put the melted stuff in plastic bags, cut a small hole in the corner of the bag and squeeze}
Store the cookies in a loosely covered container at room temperature or in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
{or immediately eat as many as possible before your human catches you}