And since I won the race back to the car, guess who gets to tell you what happened after the cow hike?
Me me me!
Ok. So after Frank almost melted and pretended to be broken, my human took us to visit the floor we put in at Harry + Lily's mom Cyndi's studio. If you're thinking this doesn't sound like much fun, you are so totally wrong. Because the floor lives in a studio and you know what happens in a studio?

I love me some pugaroos!
VERRRY impressive how you tore up that rawhide ball thing!
You and Frank are so freakin' cute....you make mom all squealy! BUT...we have to say that Dutch is one handsome dude too!
Hey Puglet,long time no talk.
Nice pics of you, Frank and even Dutch. There must have been good eats to get brother Dutch in front of a camera
In the second pic you look like you are laughing your head off.
3E's sweltering in Texas
I agree - better late than never. Didn't know what I was going to do without my daily puglet fix. Major cuteness in the pictures. How do I add my pug's gotcha day to the calendar? Thanks!
Hey Pug, welcome back! I just can't get over that last picture. I mean, you and Frank look super cute surrounded in green (and are you doing a flap-flip, to coin a phrase from Sid at pugslope.com, with teeth exposure...PRICELESS), but Dutch...I'm totally amazed. I assume there wasn't any wind in the studio that would've caused a fake smile like last time he "posed"...which means this was genuine. Unbelievable! Are you sure that Cyndi and your human didn't bribe him with a baconater? I'd question him pronto!
PS. Yes, Frank does the Jimmy very well!
All this cuteness is almost too much for us!!!
Meredith & Scarlet
That photo of you and Frank doing a double Jimmy is mega-super cuteness overload and totally deserving of a Baconator (each!).
And what's up with Dutch? Did he get a little something special/ bribe when you two weren't looking? As a cameraphobe myself, his expression kind of says "I'm willing to do this because there's an awesome treat in my belly and I want more" to me.
Oh Puglet...you and Frank just can't get any cuter! You are the best at picture taking and good for you to try and share the camera with Frank. I do have to say again that Dutch is one handsome dude and I knew he was smiling in the last pic of him cuz his smile today is HUGE. He must want his pic taken more...you better watch out...he might try hogging your camera time!
You guys must have been getting some major treat-age, because both of you are pulling out all stops in these photos. I think Frank's Jimmy is one of the best I've ever seen, and Pug, you are taking the flap-flip to the next level by incorporating full-on teeth exposure. You guys truly are masters. -Love, Sid.
Super cool pix, Puglet, Frank and Dutch.
Love Noodles
That's it...I want to take Dutch home with me! He's such a cutie. Yeah so are you and Frank, but you know my secret love of the Dutch. I dream of when I see him again, and take his treats! hehe
The JIMMY reminded mom of something.. she had me do 'GET IT' and I looked just like you and Frank... cept I'm black.
The cookies were flowing like Niagara Falls ! Whooo... hooo
Thanks Puglet
Eli from San Antonio
Hey everybody!
I'm glad you're all still here. I mean, first that crazy Irene came and scared the whole east coast away. Then Frank took over. And then my human's brain imploded. Ugh. I thought I'd never be back.
I'm superglad Irene was a dud and hope everyone over on the east coast is perfectly OK. Frank went home and even though everyone thinks he's "soooooooo cute!" and my very own human let him sleep on her freaking pillow, I kinda miss the guy. OK, I really miss him. But that's only because Dutch is so boring.
Sorry Dutch. But you kinda are.
Anyway. To answer some of your questions... I'm pretty sure there wasn't a fan in Cyndi's studio. And I *know* there wasn't a Baconator because if there was, you know I would've been the first one to eat it.
So I'm not sure what made Dutch so smilely. I know he got cookies, but we always get cookies when pictures happen. Maybe he just like Canonn better than Nikon? Or maybe he got tired of hearing how cute me & Frank are so he tried to be cute too? No idea!
You are all three supercute!! I live in Maine and, while Irene was a dud here, Vermont and Connecticut got hit bad and are in hard shape. Puglet fans seem to be the best at sending major Juju so lets all send some their way!
Hey Pug, you and Frank are really the ultimate of cuteness! Dutch looks so great and happy in front of the camera. I attribute his awesomeness in photos to being under your influence for so long. You trained him well.
You and Frank Jimmy equally fantastically. No competition.
Irene passed us with no damage, but my boss' parents house in Lewes got tore up by a tornado. Fortunately they had evacuated and no one was hurt. Extreme home makeover was in the area doing a show on a family in the area and sent a crew over to help out with the clean up.
Miss you today. Must be a good week with Frank to be behind in blogging. Glad you are having fun!!
Paula from DE
To all the Puggies...let's hope the weather gets back to normal for everybody! I just like celebrating the whelp and bdays of cute little doggies! Too much worrying makes me feel sad :( But Puglet and his buddy Frank are sure a cute duo!
Is "snorkle" a legitimate word? Ya know, snort and chuckle...
xox Eddie the Pug
I just can't get over that last picture. I mean, you and Frank look super cute surrounded in green (and are you doing a flap-flip, to coin a phrase from Sid at pugslope.com, with teeth exposure...PRICELESS), but Dutch...I'm totally amazed. I assume there wasn't any wind in the studio that would've caused a fake smile like last time he "posed"...which means this was genuine.
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