So remember when I found the pterodactyl-looking footprints and the giant zebra feather? Well, we've found a few more feathers since then, but no other clues. Until last weekend's berry/cow hike.
First we found more feathers. Then Dutch heard some funny noises coming from the bushes. I suggested he go find out what was making the noise and when he did, a bunch of giant creatures (?) ran out.
They kinda looked like birds, but they didn't fly - just ran. Dutch is pretty fast and probably could have caught one, but he was too afraid to try. Luckily my human was able to get a picture before they all disappeared. It's not a very good picture because Nikon wasn't with us, but here's a close-up look at the giant scary non-flying bird-like creature.
Any idea what this thing is? They are pretty HUGE (and getting bigger) and there's a whole bunch of them. Kinda scary.
* * *
TODAY ISN'T SPECIAL But Tuesday the 23rd was because Petey Paul in Austin, TX celebrated his whelp day! Sorry Petey ~ we'll all eat double the cookies for you today. If our humans let us, anyway...
those are wild turkeys puglet. be careful they bite
Hard to see but they do look like wild turkey. My husband and I were riding a motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway and riding by a wild turkey, I guess the noise startled the bird because it jumped way up and hit my head. Luckily I was wearing a helmut so no damage done. Scary though.
...or they're turkey vultures. disgusting creatures with very tiny brains (i mean, their heads are small so the brains must be smaller, right?). most importantly, they're not nearly afraid enough of humans (or dogs, apparently). they just hang out and look gross!
If those are turkeys, you've got to get one! Think Golden Chicken, but way better. I usually get some turkey with mashed potatoes and green beans and such in the fall time. It always smells so good in the house that day! I'm salivating already. But be careful, Pug! If they bite, it may not be worth it! Love, Payton
I think these were afraid of us because they ran away. I don't know why they didn't fly away or how far they ran. I told Dutch to go look for them, but he wouldn't.
We have wild turkeys in NJ. We see them in the field in the morning. We look at them and imagine Thanksgiving dinner. They look at us and envision lunch. Remember: Big birds eat little dogs .... be careful Puglet. Dutch, protect your little bro!!
We're leaving our home at the Jersey Shore to go to Grandpaw's house which is like a million miles away because somebody called Irene The Hurricane is coming to the Jersey Shore this weekend. Not sure who she is, but Hu-Mom is very afraid of her. Be safe everypug!
Pug, Seriously. It's so yummy and juicy! If your human won't hook you up, just hitch a ride over to IL this November, and I'll share some with you. Love, Payton
PS. Totally forgot in my first comment...Happy belated birthday to Petey! Here's to you! I will certainly beg for a cookie, or two, in your honor!
My vote is wild turkey Puglet. We have tons of them around here. They are really pretty when they open up their tail feathers in a fan. Sometimes when we are driving we have to stop and let them cross the road. They never sped up to get outta the way. I never heard of one biting anybody though. Wouldn't take any chances if I were you, just the same. We have turkey vultures too. They are very ugly. Their red color is under their chins, not on top of their heads. Plus, they definitely fly. We live next to a forest and a highway. They are always flying around looking for meals. Mom never let's us out alone, just in case they get feisty!
We totally forget to wish Happy belated birthday to Petey! Here's to you! We'll have a cookie to celebrate if we can get Hu-Mom to stop packing for a minute.
We also forgot to sign our names to our earlier post today b/c Hu-Mom's gimpy brain is only focused on getting out of here before this person Irene The Hurrican arrives.
Roxi,Riley & Lea Those Jersey Shore Puggles that will soon be Central inland Jersey Puggles ......
Oooh, I heard about that Irene chic. I heard my human talking to her mom yesterday about it. They are in NJ too. Live on some island with a long beach or something? No idea. But Irene might be visiting them too.
Lots of those wild turkey things around here, sometimes we have to stop the car in town because they are nasty things and won't let us by. Our human also says there is a liquid version of Wild Turkey, and to watch out for that one as well. Oh, and that wild turkeys are not suppose to be as yummy as domestic.
I agree with everyone here. They look like turkeys. Just be careful. They can be mean. I was visiting my aunt last year (she has lots of grass full of goose poop) and my mommy came running out of the door screaming "GET AWAY GET AWAY" Apparently these turkey things were walking towards me - I didn't notice due to the goose poop buffet. When I finally did notice they started running towards me. Since they can't fly, I was able to out run them (my daddy says I'm a good skedaddler)
Um, yeah, turkeys. Had two giganto ones come into my grandpawrents yard. It is practically a zoo over there. They have had african hornets that chase you every time you go out the door, turkey vultures, ground hogs under the house, and a family of armadillos! Geese. My grandpaw is NOT happy about it. Don't get near them for goodness sakes.
I was going to say maybe a peahen? But looks like everyone says that it's a wild turkey!!!! I thought wild turkey came in a bottle but I guess not. LOL
These nasty birds remind me of Canada Geese-hostile, nippy things that like to block roads. But the poo is very tasty. Maybe the same goes for wild turkey. Mean bird = tasty poo? I think further investigation is needed.
Yes, be very cautious when turkeys could be in the area. Besides on the ground, they roost in the trees, waiting to pounce. Along with biting, they could peck and hurt your eyes. On their feet they have spurs, which are pointed, bony spikes and are used for defense.
If your still game on for coming up with a plan, I'm Your Gal! I've recently been Snipe hunting and with the two of us, I'm sure we would have success.
Thats a turkey! They are actually REALLY scary. There is this place by my little humans' school called Farrell McWhirter Park and for some reason they have turkeys there. One time my humans took me there, and i was just sniffing them when they puffed out their feathers and a freaky noise came out of the part of them that looks like rotten brains. I am scarred for life dude, scarred for life...
My mom had a house turkey, he wore a diaper, and my mom gets all leaky when she talks about him. She says turkeys are the neatest birds ever. We have just one now, and he's super old. I think he has turkheimers. Anyway, turkeys can fly, I've seen him do it. He's not real good at it tho.
I did some research on Wikipedia and am still confused and SCARED for you, Puglet! Is that extra large feathered winged creature a Turkey Vulture or a Wild Turkey or a CA type Buzzard? If your gimpy human could catch it and cook it a special way, maybe it would taste as good as what Payton and others describe...a ginormous Golden Chicken! Drooling before bedtime...nite, nite, Eddie the Pug
I were riding a motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway and riding by a wild turkey, I guess the noise startled the bird because it jumped way up and hit my head.
HOLY CRAP PUGLET!!! Mom read this post right before going to bed last night and had this weird dream that a WHOLE FLOCK OF these weird turkeys were CHASING ME while we were out for a walk! In the dream, she didn't have my leash (???) and had to CARRY ME like 938374828 miles home with these turkeys following us and trying to eat me!
RSRSRSRS....The name in Brazil is PERU, the noise is glu.glu.glu.glu....rsrsrsrsrs. But be carefull, because some times, they bit(because they have afraid).
We have wild turkeys here, luckily we have never had the pleasure of meeting.
But last summer I chased a flock of about 60 swans and geese into a lake. It was incredible .. they were resting peacefully on a lovely meadow in front of one of our big lakes until I came along. Quite an experience .. Mum thought pugs do not have a hunting instinct and I was also totally surprised. I landed up in the lake with the geese and swans. That way I learned that I love swimming and actually CAN swim. Mum was nearer to a heart attack.
Best was, that a nice gentlemen wanted to comfort my absolutely hysteric Mum and quoted a saying by our most famous humourist, Loriot who sadly crossed the rainbow bridge this week:
"Life without a pug is possible, but pointless .."
Loriot loved and owned pugs and used to be our pug guru. When the gentleman quoted Loriot, my Mum was about to explode ... temporarily.
Be careful, Puglet, birds .. think of Hitchcock!
Pug greetings from Berlin Carlos Santana
A video by Loriot for all of you, it is in German but shows the evolution of pugs according to Loriot... he knew what he was talking about!
Hi Puglet!!! Those sure look like wild turkeys and they can be fiesty and mean so beware. That being said they ARE VERY tasty!!!
I haven't been here in a while because my human wasn't home. No human = NO thumbs. She was in the hospital for 10 days for what should have been an overnight stay.Something about a nicked artery and hemorrhage. Whatever. I just know she wasn't here. She did tell me thank goodness for i-phone and Puglet as they were her saving grace. What ever that means. But I'm sure glad she is home and she was REALLY happy to see me. She keeps telling me I have to be super careful not to hurt her and she can't pick me up yet. NOT because I'm fat or anything. Just something about a 10 pound limit and of course I'm way over that. Not as way over as I was before I got sick though. I went to the vet for the dreaded weigh in and I was only 24 pounds!!! Yummy, yummy, yummy as that means extra treats today!!! At any rate Puglet my human says "wild turkey" and a BIG thanks for being the bright spot in her day when she was in the hospital and TOTALLY missing me!!! Hope you have a GREAT weekend and be oh so glad you don't have to worry about that Babe Irene!!!
We have LOTS of wild turkeys in our backyard that come looking for birdseed....They will not bite-they just run very fast, and they will fly if they feel the need....:O)....They are very smart and fun to watch....We once counted 44 at one time in our yard....:O)
Hi Puglet, Since you like to do fun stuff with your person you have to ask her to look at I'm a Malibu Pug but when I have to go to N CA I always get to do fun stuff found on this site. It is not always just Pugs, but no matter where I go I'm the most handsome dog there. At least that’s what my person says so it must be true! Snorts to you! Mr. Murphy
those are wild turkeys puglet. be careful they bite
They bite? Like, they'd bite me?
Hard to see but they do look like wild turkey.
My husband and I were riding a motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway and riding by a wild turkey, I guess the noise startled the bird because it jumped way up and hit my head. Luckily I was wearing a helmut so no damage done.
Scary though.
...or they're turkey vultures. disgusting creatures with very tiny brains (i mean, their heads are small so the brains must be smaller, right?). most importantly, they're not nearly afraid enough of humans (or dogs, apparently). they just hang out and look gross!
Looks like a turkey to us!! Grandma watches a family of them every morning when she goes to work! She says they're HUGE!!!
Be careful!!!
You got hit in the head by one of these things? Holy. They are HUGE!
If those are turkeys, you've got to get one! Think Golden Chicken, but way better. I usually get some turkey with mashed potatoes and green beans and such in the fall time. It always smells so good in the house that day! I'm salivating already. But be careful, Pug! If they bite, it may not be worth it!
I think these were afraid of us because they ran away. I don't know why they didn't fly away or how far they ran. I told Dutch to go look for them, but he wouldn't.
Payton ~
Golden like chickens??? Seriously? Hmmm. We might have to come up with a plan....
We have wild turkeys in NJ. We see them in the field in the morning. We look at them and imagine Thanksgiving dinner. They look at us and envision lunch. Remember: Big birds eat little dogs .... be careful Puglet. Dutch, protect your little bro!!
We're leaving our home at the Jersey Shore to go to Grandpaw's house which is like a million miles away because somebody called Irene The Hurricane is coming to the Jersey Shore this weekend. Not sure who she is, but Hu-Mom is very afraid of her. Be safe everypug!
Seriously. It's so yummy and juicy! If your human won't hook you up, just hitch a ride over to IL this November, and I'll share some with you.
PS. Totally forgot in my first comment...Happy belated birthday to Petey! Here's to you! I will certainly beg for a cookie, or two, in your honor!
Definitely wild turkeys; they're all over the place here in NJ. I have no idea if they bite but they do in fact fly.
My vote is wild turkey Puglet. We have tons of them around here. They are really pretty when they open up their tail feathers in a fan. Sometimes when we are driving we have to stop and let them cross the road. They never sped up to get outta the way. I never heard of one biting anybody though. Wouldn't take any chances if I were you, just the same.
We have turkey vultures too. They are very ugly. Their red color is under their chins, not on top of their heads. Plus, they definitely fly. We live next to a forest and a highway. They are always flying around looking for meals. Mom never let's us out alone, just in case they get feisty!
We totally forget to wish Happy belated birthday to Petey! Here's to you! We'll have a cookie to celebrate if we can get Hu-Mom to stop packing for a minute.
We also forgot to sign our names to our earlier post today b/c Hu-Mom's gimpy brain is only focused on getting out of here before this person Irene The Hurrican arrives.
Roxi,Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles that will soon be Central inland Jersey Puggles ......
Oooh, I heard about that Irene chic. I heard my human talking to her mom yesterday about it. They are in NJ too. Live on some island with a long beach or something? No idea. But Irene might be visiting them too.
BE safe!
Thanks Wilma!
Next time we see some, I'll try and look at their heads. I won't get close though, just in case they do bite. Maybe I can get Dutch to do it...
Lots of those wild turkey things around here, sometimes we have to stop the car in town because they are nasty things and won't let us by. Our human also says there is a liquid version of Wild Turkey, and to watch out for that one as well. Oh, and that wild turkeys are not suppose to be as yummy as domestic.
Pearl and Tessa
I agree with everyone here. They look like turkeys. Just be careful. They can be mean. I was visiting my aunt last year (she has lots of grass full of goose poop) and my mommy came running out of the door screaming "GET AWAY GET AWAY" Apparently these turkey things were walking towards me - I didn't notice due to the goose poop buffet. When I finally did notice they started running towards me. Since they can't fly, I was able to out run them (my daddy says I'm a good skedaddler)
Puglet, I'm currently pugless :(, but getting to read your blog every day makes being pugless not as sad. :)
Hey Pug! We see you in this video!
"Please feed the pug" (*snort*) genius.
Um, yeah, turkeys. Had two giganto ones come into my grandpawrents yard. It is practically a zoo over there. They have had african hornets that chase you every time you go out the door, turkey vultures, ground hogs under the house, and a family of armadillos! Geese. My grandpaw is NOT happy about it. Don't get near them for goodness sakes.
I was going to say maybe a peahen? But looks like everyone says that it's a wild turkey!!!! I thought wild turkey came in a bottle but I guess not. LOL
Kitty + Coco ~
What's an armadillo? Sounds FREAKY!
Mama Monster ~
I dunno what a peahen is, but it sounds small. Whatever these creatures are is big.
(love that word)
Hi Tamara,
I'm her for you & all the other pugless people :)
Duh. Here for you, I mean. I'm not a her, I'm a him!
These nasty birds remind me of Canada Geese-hostile, nippy things that like to block roads. But the poo is very tasty. Maybe the same goes for wild turkey. Mean bird = tasty poo? I think further investigation is needed.
Puglet, it's so funny how you want to have Dutch do everything! lol
Turkey! One with babies chased my daddy in the woods. He hasn't been the same since. He has PTSD-Post Turkey Stress Disorder....
Jax the pug, in PA
Hi Pug,
Yes, be very cautious when turkeys could be in the area. Besides on the ground, they roost in the trees, waiting to pounce. Along with biting, they could peck and hurt your eyes. On their feet they have spurs, which are pointed, bony spikes and are used for defense.
If your still game on for coming up with a plan, I'm Your Gal! I've recently been Snipe hunting and with the two of us, I'm sure we would have success.
Thats a turkey! They are actually REALLY scary. There is this place by my little humans' school called Farrell McWhirter Park and for some reason they have turkeys there. One time my humans took me there, and i was just sniffing them when they puffed out their feathers and a freaky noise came out of the part of them that looks like rotten brains. I am scarred for life dude, scarred for life...
~ Frankie
My mom had a house turkey, he wore a diaper, and my mom gets all leaky when she talks about him. She says turkeys are the neatest birds ever. We have just one now, and he's super old. I think he has turkheimers. Anyway, turkeys can fly, I've seen him do it. He's not real good at it tho.
I did some research on Wikipedia and am still confused and SCARED for you, Puglet! Is that extra large feathered winged creature a Turkey Vulture or a Wild Turkey or a CA type Buzzard? If your gimpy human could catch it and cook it a special way, maybe it would taste as good as what Payton and others describe...a ginormous Golden Chicken!
Drooling before bedtime...nite, nite,
Eddie the Pug
I were riding a motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway and riding by a wild turkey, I guess the noise startled the bird because it jumped way up and hit my head.
HOLY CRAP PUGLET!!! Mom read this post right before going to bed last night and had this weird dream that a WHOLE FLOCK OF these weird turkeys were CHASING ME while we were out for a walk! In the dream, she didn't have my leash (???) and had to CARRY ME like 938374828 miles home with these turkeys following us and trying to eat me!
Mom needs a nap today! WHOOOO!!!
Hi Puglet!!
RSRSRSRS....The name in Brazil is PERU, the noise is glu.glu.glu.glu....rsrsrsrsrs. But be carefull, because some times, they bit(because they have afraid).
Licks, Fred
Holy Turkey, what an adventure Puglet!
We have wild turkeys here, luckily we have never had the pleasure of meeting.
But last summer I chased a flock of about 60 swans and geese into a lake. It was incredible .. they were resting peacefully on a lovely meadow in front of one of our big lakes until I came along. Quite an experience .. Mum thought pugs do not have a hunting instinct and I was also totally surprised. I landed up in the lake with the geese and swans. That way I learned that I love swimming and actually CAN swim. Mum was nearer to a heart attack.
Best was, that a nice gentlemen wanted to comfort my absolutely hysteric Mum and quoted a saying by our most famous humourist, Loriot who sadly crossed the rainbow bridge this week:
"Life without a pug is possible, but pointless .."
Loriot loved and owned pugs and used to be our pug guru. When the gentleman quoted Loriot, my Mum was about to explode ... temporarily.
Be careful, Puglet, birds .. think of Hitchcock!
Pug greetings from Berlin
Carlos Santana
A video by Loriot for all of you, it is in German but shows the evolution of pugs according to Loriot... he knew what he was talking about!
"The wild feral Pugs"
Hi Puglet!!! Those sure look like wild turkeys and they can be fiesty and mean so beware. That being said they ARE VERY tasty!!!
I haven't been here in a while because my human wasn't home. No human = NO thumbs. She was in the hospital for 10 days for what should have been an overnight stay.Something about a nicked artery and hemorrhage. Whatever. I just know she wasn't here. She did tell me thank goodness for i-phone and Puglet as they were her saving grace. What ever that means. But I'm sure glad she is home and she was REALLY happy to see me. She keeps telling me I have to be super careful not to hurt her and she can't pick me up yet. NOT because I'm fat or anything. Just something about a 10 pound limit and of course I'm way over that. Not as way over as I was before I got sick though. I went to the vet for the dreaded weigh in and I was only 24 pounds!!! Yummy, yummy, yummy as that means extra treats today!!! At any rate Puglet my human says "wild turkey" and a BIG thanks for being the bright spot in her day when she was in the hospital and TOTALLY missing me!!! Hope you have a GREAT weekend and be oh so glad you don't have to worry about that Babe Irene!!!
Wooops....that's from ME, BENNY!!! My human is a TOTAL pea brain since she got home!!!!
We have LOTS of wild turkeys in our backyard that come looking for birdseed....They will not bite-they just run very fast, and they will fly if they feel the need....:O)....They are very smart and fun to watch....We once counted 44 at one time in our yard....:O)
A peahen is a peacock lady =)
Hi Puglet,
Since you like to do fun stuff with your person you have to ask her to look at I'm a Malibu Pug but when I have to go to N CA I always get to do fun stuff found on this site. It is not always just Pugs, but no matter where I go I'm the most handsome dog there. At least that’s what my person says so it must be true!
Snorts to you!
Mr. Murphy
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