Of course Dutch blamed everything on me because he's mad about not being a pug and having to stay home. By himself. Or whatever. Uhm, it's not my fault he's not a pug.
Anyway. Our Big Night Out was awesome. The benefit was at this place called Axis Cafe, a very cool food + drink place that's usually just for humans, but they closed off the whole patio for PugPROS. Y'know, like VIP style. Pugs only.

We were superlate to the party because UPS kinda screwed up and my human had to hunt Nikon down, but late is better than having to stay home alone, by yourself, because you're not a pug. And the Axis Cafe patio was full of V.I.Pugs!
Pixie the no-eyed wonderpug was there, and I got to meet Eddie the pug and Max + Minnie (world famous head-tilters) in the fur for the first time. M+M's man-human must have special powers or something. His voice totally made my head tilt And I barely ever tilt. Ever.
I also made some new friends. Like little Coco from yesterday's picture. She might be mini, but she's got GINORMOUS personality. Kinda like me. And even though I went slightly poodle on Coco when she pushed me out of the way to pose for Nikon, I really do like her.
If I didn't, I would have gone completely poodle. Right?
I didn't get everyone's names, so hope we can have another Big Night Out again soon. Especially if it's going to help PugPROS save pugs!

Seriously. How random is that? Hi Larry!
Super great photos from a super great evening! Thanks for the "shout out", Puglet! I gotta get me some more sliders and sweet potato fries so I can stop drooling...Hope some of the doggies on the PugPros website find their "furever" homes real soon :) Those folks work so hard!
Two high fives from Eddie the Pug
Hey Eddie!
I'm glad you got to score some snacks. Most of the food was pretty much gone by the time we got there, but I did get to try a fry or two. Oh, and some sauce stuff I found up on a table that was supposed to be too high for a pug to jump on.
Great pics and GREAT VIPugs Party :) Hope your Human will show some more in the future :) in June our Rescue also had party, if you you would like to check some polish pugs here's link :)
part 1
part 2
part 3
p.s. I love this cute senior on the first pic!!!!!
Awesome pics! Wish I were there.
Puglet, I am getting the pug gummy from Germany - sometime next couple of weeks. Would like to send you one. Do you have PO BOX??
Sammy - weather in MN is super perfect now
Awesome photos! It seems like everyone had such a good time too. I wish every place was a VIPug place, don't you, Pug?
Wow you guys are famous-fans you meet in the park
Its great you got to attend such an awesome party
Coco the pug looks like she's crying in that first photo up top. Such expressive little faces! Glad you all had fun and if I didn't live on the opposite coast I would take Bodie the awesome pug home with me!! He's so cool I doubt it will take long for him to find a loving human.
Oh Pug! Sounds like you all had so much fun!! Mochi and I really wished we could have been there, but us "workin'" pugs had to get up early the next day! We love Pug PROS so much because they helped up find our humans! What an awesome event and we hope we can make the next one!!
Snorts and Grunts,
Noodle and Mochi
Hi Puglet,
everytime I see a homeless pug I am so sad! We hope that the candidates at the PugsPRO all found good homes. I wish I could offer this cute Bodie a home, I just about would share anything with him!
Glad you made new wonderful friends and M+M's man-human does have special powers! When I watched the video, I tilted my head .. funny! The Axis Café is my kind of place, we have many here which look very similar - I love to hang out there.
We have fabulous weather today, sun and wind and so we were out all day, pugsome treats included. I had two sausages! Miracles happen ...
Every pug deserves a good home. I am glad that there are people who look after the ones who do not have a family.
Kind pug greetings from a warm Berlin
Carlos Santana
Hi, Coco here,
It was so nice to be included in two of the photos! Yes, the first one I was indeed crying (I'm still only 1 1/2 so I cry whenever I don't get my way) because I wanted my sister, Molly, who was rescued thru Pugpros, to be in the photo with me but everyone else jumped on the couch and she couldn't get up there in time. Poor dear.
I'm a bit embarrassed about the photo you have of me of my back - I was just ready to jump on the table to see if there was any food I could scarf. That beer looked good but I never did it since the photo was evidence of my potential bad behaviour!
Thanks, Amanda, for all the wonderful photos! Here's a link to one of my blog posts about how much I like handbags http://pugsdiary.com/2011/04/15/handbag-heaven/.
Hope to see everyone at the next Pugpros fundraiser!
It is a small world indeed! Just the other day I passed the Bubba Rose dog bakery. It's along my daily commute, but never noticed it before reading this blog!
Saw the video of your shindig on facebook. Looks like you all had a great time chasing each other and scarfing up those goodies that drinking humans tend to drop. BOL. LOVED your sign! Bet your human didn't though with the whole tubey thing. Hope you're having a great weekend. We are, our weather is great!
Rosie, Emmett, Madgie, and Dalia
OMGosh! Our heads nearly exploded with all of the puggy cuteness :)
We hope all of the pugs who needed homes found them or are closer to it. A house isn't a home until it has a pug. OK, any kind of dog will do, but pugs ROCK!
Thanks for sharing the pix!
Meredith & Scarlet
We want to see pictures of the famous Pixie no-eyed wonder pug!!
Dang....mom and I missed it. Bummer....I heard it was loads of fun. I hope they do this again soon, because I'll totally go!!
these are my favorite photos you've ever posted! and what a great evening! my pugs are jealous that they haven't gotten to go to an exclusive pugs only party at a restaurant! they only get to sit on the patio at a local pizza place.
Hi Pug and Dutch.
I just got back from the vacation. It was so totally awesome to meet you guys on the street like that. Pug, you look much bigger in real life, if you know what I mean -not fat - just larger. Thanks for coming over and giving me the pug hug. Dutch you were very gentle. And send a thanks to your human for letting me take a photo.
Loved your city
Pugalug Pug Rescue
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