Hi internet, I'm Frank! Puglet said I could be the blog today if didn't tell his blonde lady that he ate half my food and all of my carrot. So I didn't tell and now I'm supposed to tell you about my weekend.
By Frank
I woke up. Me, Puglet, Dutch and their blonde lady went for a walk. I barked at a bike and got in trouble. I also peed on a tree. Then we ate breakfast.
After breakfast the blonde lady took Dutch downstairs and put up a fence so me and Puglet couldn't come. This did not fly with me so I howled and barked and made noises to make her come back.
She wasn't happy but she came back. We all went in the car to the place where cows and berries live. I heard the blonde lady tell the phone we were going on a hike, but not a whole hike because of me.
A hike is just a walk on dirt, if you don't know.
We hiked. Puglet ran after cows and Dutch ran away from them. The blonde lady put me on a leash so I didn't run anywhere. Walking on dirt is harder than regular walking so I didn't want to run anyway.
The hiking didn't seem hard for anyone else, but it made me hot and tired. When I'm tired I nap. Napping in the dirt isn't as comfortable as regular napping, but a napping in the dirt is better than hiking. So I tried to take a nap. It wasn't fun so I pretended to be broken. Last time I was broken the blonde lady carried me, but not this time. No.
This time the blonde lady said I'm too hefty to carry and stuck me in a giant bucket of cow water instead. She said if I was broken because of the 62 degree "heat", the cold water would fix me. I don't like water and was only pretending to be broken, but being in the cow bucket made me feel really good.
Puglet said if I beat him to the car, I could be the blog all week. But if he beat me, I could only be one day. So I ran the whole way and almost won. But Puglet is fast and I am not so he'll be back tomorrow to tell you about the rest.
Hi Frank! You are an awesome dude and very funny! I don't blame you for trying to take a nap, but I would have tried to find some grass to lay on. I would love to frolic around at 62 degrees. It would be wonderful and way too cold to get into water! If you have a hard time on the next walk, just think of poor Suki in Texas with crispy grass and 100 degree weather. So much fun to hear about your adventures with Pug! Love, Payton
FFFFRRRRRAAANNNNNKKKKK!!!! You're one fun guy to hang around, that's for sure. Pug is super lucky when you come over to play. You're his "Spencer". Sorry the heat got to ya, sometimes it get me too. At least you didn't get too "broken" this time. I must admit, that dirt looked like a might fine place to take a nap. Good seeing you yesterday.
Frank, you are just so cute. I'm glad you are having awesome adventures with Puglet and his family, even if his human did totally bust you at playing broken. Licks, Sabrina
Hi Frank! I heard all about your 'brokenness' from the blond lady. She said that she was really worried about you but I told her you would be fine. You have to be able to hang with the big boys when you hang around Puglet and Dutch.
I sure hope to hear from you again. If you ever get to Chicago please look me up.
Frank, sounds like you had a pretty adventurous day. You and Puglet make a great team / comedy duo. I act broken, too, when my parents want me to go outside when it's raining. Hope we get to read another post from you soon! -Love, Sid.
OH FRANK!!! You are soooooooooo cute. Especially in the cow water. I don't think I'd like to be in there, but on hot days (like today, it's 30 degrees out [I think that's like 86 in American]!!! Way too hot for this Canadian dog) it might not be too bad. I pretend I'm broken and try to have a nap in shade if we go for long walks too. I hope you have a great week with Puglet!!!
Hi Frank, you look sooo cute in this cow water bucket and water helps at high degrees - I always get a shower when it is hot. Splendid! And, funny enough my human will also no longer carry me home when I play broken - she did so quite a long time really. But now she says "Who can run for hours in the park, can march home". Very unfair.
I love your guest post and the fotos - thanks! Pug greeting to you all,
Man Frank - you weren't mad when she put you in the cow bucket? I like how you pretended to be broken - that's very smart. Next time, you should ask Dutch if you can ride on his back!
Ok Frank...I really like you...oh, I like Puglet too but you had me when you pretended to be broken. Love that kind of thinking...my kind of thinking too! Can't wait to hear more from either one of you!
Frank you are one funny dude. My pugs love to hike but only from the house down to the gate. They want me to carry them back sometimes but no way. Sometimes I have to bring MaryBernice in the house and put her in a sink of cool water. It gets really hot out here in the desert.
MaryBernice is getting older and will only poop in the house...on the back of the sofa that I keep covered with plastic, a sheet and a towel. But she likes to prance around outside and pretend she's going to go potty.
Joseph and Charlie, and sometimes MaryBernice, have a nice grassy spot next to the house where they like to having peeing contests.
Also Joseph always turns his back on Charlie if Charlie has to poop. He does that so I don't suspect that he's going to scoop the poop as soon as it hits the ground. But I'm on to him now.
Anyway, last week my two big dogs were barking like crazy and there was a big ole rattle snake right in the grass where they potty. Poor Joe is deaf and wouldn't have heard the rattle. MaryBernice would have tried to find it's butt to sniff and Charlie would have tried to pee on it.
Luckily I had my shotgun loaded, got all the dogs and pugs in the house and went out and sent the snake to Rainbow Snake Heaven. Sort of like The Rainbow Bridge for our furkids.
This is Holly aka Wah-Dee from Winnipeg. I get broken on walks too and my human goes really slow so I can try to keep up. I am way too hefty for my human to carry me and my sister runs circles around me and never gets broken on walks. I am glad we dont have cow troughs on our walks because for sure I would end up in one all the time.. .now I just get water poured on me when I get too hot.
Frank, tell your surrogate blonde lady to put a link to the time when you were broken! My human wants to see it, but she said something about "archives"
That cow bucket looked fun!
Hi Frank! You are an awesome dude and very funny! I don't blame you for trying to take a nap, but I would have tried to find some grass to lay on. I would love to frolic around at 62 degrees. It would be wonderful and way too cold to get into water! If you have a hard time on the next walk, just think of poor Suki in Texas with crispy grass and 100 degree weather. So much fun to hear about your adventures with Pug!
Frank :) you are just too funny and too cute at the same time :) and if Puglet is not here today I can say that I love you too;)
Hi Frank,
I love any adventure that involves dirt- wish I could have been there!
FFFFRRRRRAAANNNNNKKKKK!!!! You're one fun guy to hang around, that's for sure. Pug is super lucky when you come over to play. You're his "Spencer". Sorry the heat got to ya, sometimes it get me too. At least you didn't get too "broken" this time. I must admit, that dirt looked like a might fine place to take a nap. Good seeing you yesterday.
Frank, you are just so cute. I'm glad you are having awesome adventures with Puglet and his family, even if his human did totally bust you at playing broken.
Hi Frank! I heard all about your 'brokenness' from the blond lady. She said that she was really worried about you but I told her you would be fine. You have to be able to hang with the big boys when you hang around Puglet and Dutch.
I sure hope to hear from you again. If you ever get to Chicago please look me up.
Frank, sounds like you had a pretty adventurous day. You and Puglet make a great team / comedy duo. I act broken, too, when my parents want me to go outside when it's raining. Hope we get to read another post from you soon! -Love, Sid.
Hi Frank,
I saw you kissing up to the gran'rents at Bellatrixes Pawty. A-huh.
Love Noodles
HAHA my "word" was FOODSOMM - I think it is like a Food Coma which I am totally in today thanks to Bella's goodie bag.
OH FRANK!!! You are soooooooooo cute. Especially in the cow water. I don't think I'd like to be in there, but on hot days (like today, it's 30 degrees out [I think that's like 86 in American]!!! Way too hot for this Canadian dog) it might not be too bad. I pretend I'm broken and try to have a nap in shade if we go for long walks too. I hope you have a great week with Puglet!!!
Hi Frank,
you look sooo cute in this cow water bucket and water helps at high degrees - I always get a shower when it is hot. Splendid!
And, funny enough my human will also no longer carry me home when I play broken - she did so quite a long time really. But now she says "Who can run for hours in the park, can march home".
Very unfair.
I love your guest post and the fotos - thanks!
Pug greeting to you all,
Carlos Santana from Berlin
Man Frank - you weren't mad when she put you in the cow bucket? I like how you pretended to be broken - that's very smart. Next time, you should ask Dutch if you can ride on his back!
Frank, you are so adorable! Love the picture of you laying down in the dirt.
We're just so glad you didn't get broken again! Puglet and Dutch are quite the enthusiastic hikers, and it must be hard to keep up.
We love you Frank!!
Hi Frank,
You are a cutie, nice of Pug to let you blog today. But he needs to let you blog for the rest of the week, it was a photo finish and you won.
Hi Frank,
I'm glad you were only pretending to be broken. That was pretty bratface of you, but was smart of you to try. ;)
Frank, my pugs and I agree, I couldn't put it better myself, a hike is just a walk on dirt. And what the heck is the point of that?
I hope this blog never ends. I love, love, love it!
A guest blogger. You did a great job. I'm thinking you need to be hired on for a semi-regular post.
Ok Frank...I really like you...oh, I like Puglet too but you had me when you pretended to be broken. Love that kind of thinking...my kind of thinking too! Can't wait to hear more from either one of you!
Hiya Frank!!!! You made my human laugh as much as Pug does so you get a "paws up" on a job well done!!!
Frank you are one funny dude. My pugs love to hike but only from the house down to the gate. They want me to carry them back sometimes but no way. Sometimes I have to bring MaryBernice in the house and put her in a sink of cool water. It gets really hot out here in the desert.
MaryBernice is getting older and will only poop in the house...on the back of the sofa that I keep covered with plastic, a sheet and a towel. But she likes to prance around outside and pretend she's going to go potty.
Joseph and Charlie, and sometimes MaryBernice, have a nice grassy spot next to the house where they like to having peeing contests.
Also Joseph always turns his back on Charlie if Charlie has to poop. He does that so I don't suspect that he's going to scoop the poop as soon as it hits the ground. But I'm on to him now.
Anyway, last week my two big dogs were barking like crazy and there was a big ole rattle snake right in the grass where they potty. Poor Joe is deaf and wouldn't have heard the rattle. MaryBernice would have tried to find it's butt to sniff and Charlie would have tried to pee on it.
Luckily I had my shotgun loaded, got all the dogs and pugs in the house and went out and sent the snake to Rainbow Snake Heaven. Sort of like The Rainbow Bridge for our furkids.
Hi Frank!
This is Holly aka Wah-Dee from Winnipeg. I get broken on walks too and my human goes really slow so I can try to keep up. I am way too hefty for my human to carry me and my sister runs circles around me and never gets broken on walks. I am glad we dont have cow troughs on our walks because for sure I would end up in one all the time.. .now I just get water poured on me when I get too hot.
LOL! We love your style, Frank!!!!
We cracked up at you being 'broken' (only because you said you weren't really broken) and tossed into the COW BUCKET!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!
We have cows that live up the road from us, but mom doesn't know where their bucket is. She says she's going to ask their mom and find out. Yikes.
Frank, tell your surrogate blonde lady to put a link to the time when you were broken! My human wants to see it, but she said something about "archives"
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