So far there's been a ridiculous amount of humping, face wrestling and crazy fun. Last night things got so insane, my human stuck us behind a gate in the guestroom so we could go as nuts as we wanted without bothering anyone. I think by 'anyone' she meant her brain, Dutch and our downstairs neighbors.
In case you've never seen two pugs have an insane amount of fun, it kinda looks like this (that's me on the bottom):
Me & Frank played and played and played until we couldn't keep our eyes open (or breathe). Then we climbed into bed and took over - uhm, I mean snuggled - with my human. That red thing we're sleeping on is her.

* * *
Happy Whelp Day to my buddy Chaz in Hoboken! My human was on the phone with New Jersey this morning and I guess people who live near the beach (like my cousin Sophie & the Jersey Puggles) all have to leave.
Hoboken isn't at the beach, but I'm still a little worried that crazy Irene might try to ruin Chaz's big day, so let's all eat cookies for him ASAP. Just in case.
Everybody on the East Coast, please be safe! Sounds like Irene cannot be trusted.
FRANK!!!!!! I love it when Frank comes to visit.
Love the "snuggle" pics!
Happy day to Chaz my fellow Hoboken pug (who my mom has yet to track down).
They are asking people in Hoboken to evacuate too, but we're not in flood area. My mom did stock up on some food and bully sticks though.
Keep safe all east coast puggies!
PS - I think you and Frank should have extra treats for all of us in the path of Irene...you know for good luck (or something like that)
Me too!!!!!
Good thinking Mookie. Lets all scare Irene away by, uhm, eating?
Hey Pug! That Frank is a cutie. And don't worry, you'll get him today or sometime this weekend to even that score. Please have your human take some videos of the bedlam and chaos. Mookie has the best idea...eat a cookie for every pug in the path of that Irene gal. I'm on it!
Happy day to you, Chaz!
Oh I love Frank too! Frank+Pug=even more crazy pics!!! Happy Whelp day too Chaz and please stay safe, all East Coast pugs+humans and all the others!!!
SO much fun to have friends over!!! I'm sure your human will get over it!! After all, she could have said no... but she didn't!!!
Ha Ha. Love the picture of you guys wrestling. Looks like a blast. Reminds me of when my pug was younger!
You two are the cutest riot!!
Oh man...we need video. Frank looks like a barrel of fun. Does Dutch get jealous?
The Dynamic Duo of Cuteness reunited! Can't wait to see more pictures and video of all your shenanigans.
Happy Day to Chaz and belated birthday greetings to Petey.
Send good vibes to everyone on the East Coast and I am going to enthusiatically participate in the Eating Cookies to Scare Away Irene movement.
Good to see Frank again. I've missed him! And sending lots and lots of good juju to the East Coast. Hope everyone is OK!
Oh Puglet! You guys look to be having so much fun. And I do know how much fun it can be when two pugs get together...so I know your weekend is going to be the best! OMG, I wish I was there! All the running, and chasing and snarling and well, just everything we pugs love to do. I am so jealous!
Happy day to Chaz and I hope everyone on the east coast stays safe!
The Michigan Puggie Reporting...
COOOOOOLLL...reminds me when visiting my cousin...like outerspace coolness...we love human snuggles except when someone frtts...hehe...well even thats not too bad.....Lovayaallthere.....NOW I am going to snuggle with mama......happy weekend all ....and be safe all you pugs out east!!!!
The Michigan Puggie
Puglet - sounds like you sure had a good time. I love rough-housing with the boys, too. Glad you got in a little relaxation on your human in, too. Hope you and Frank have a great weekend. My parents stocked up on supplies in case Irene goes poodle on us. Any other pugs on the east coast, make sure your parents stock up on water and treats!!! -Love, Sid.
Wow.. Thanks for all the whelp day love!! My humans have devised a plan to go wine tasting to escape this Irene character... I am really excited, as with wine is always cheese getting dropped for me to eat!!
Snuggled by two pugs? Who could ask for more??
Wow, sounds like so much fun, you always have fun around Frank. There are two dogs at our dog park named Chao's and Drama...maybe thats a good duo name?
Pearl and Tessa
Hi Pug,
Have a stupendous time with Frank! You may not want to take him hiking again, we don't want him to be broken again.
I'm sending positive thoughts to your family and friends in NJ and everyone on the East Coast. I was wishing Irene was going to visit Texas, we desperately need rain. Sounds crazy to wish for a hurricane to visit, but it's that brown & crispy bad.
P.S. In your first picture with Frank, the sky is white...what happened to the blue sky?
It's so cute how much you love Frank, it's so awesome. Everyone should have their very own "Frank". He is super cute, and smooshy. Nice pick Pug.
I will send lots of pug positive juju to the east coast. That's more powerful than some silly Irene.
FRAAANK!! So good to see you both having a great time together Puglet. I hope you both give your human a lot of snuggles to make up for the crazy times. :)
Yay Pug and Frank together again!
Hey if eating cookies keeps Irene away I say EAT UP!!
Paula from DE bracing for the storm
Our humom is in Seattle and left us all alone here in Maryland. Handyman Tim is checking us in the morning and evening, so we are being well taken care of....but we miss her just like I bet you missed Frank.
We are so glad he came to visit you, we love to see what you boys do when you are together.
My humom is very worried about us though, the one time she goes to visit family for more than a few days things are going crazy at home.
We had an earthquake on Tuesday while she was in the air to Seattle and now we are facing Hurricane Irene.
We sure hope Tim is ready to evacuate us! Please send some good thoughts and wishes to all the pets on the East Coast and their humoms and hudads too!
Gabby and Gunnie
Thanks for sharing. Post made me smile (like most all of them do)...
Nothing cuter than a pile-o-pugs....and one human...:O)....I can just hear the snorting now....SNORT, SNORT....XOXO
According to my brother, my pugnephew Stan does not care , hurricane or not he has to take his time to pick the right potty spot.
So far Irene has not won but she's coming over night tonight!
Paula from De
Hi Puglet, we left the Jersey Shore and drove like a hundred miles to grandpaws house in Trenton NJ. Irene the hurricane followed us here. What a witch! Mom says its raining cats and dogs. No its not. It's 9pm saturday night and the sky is leaking huge, ginormous water drops and the wind is blowing. Grandpaw said its gonna get a lot worse before it gets better tomorrow around 4:00. Irene is going to visit New York City. We're scared but staying strong for mom...Fearless puggles that we are! Thank you everypug for your prayers and special juju.
Roxi, Riley, Lea
New Jersey Puggles
Hi Puglet,
we also know the "bedlam and chaos" situation when my pug friends come visiting. Absolutely normal but very funny. Thanks for this great article and the fotos.
Happy belated welp day to Chaz in Hoboken.
We get the news on "Irene" here on TV with continous updates and hope and pray that you are all safe.
Pug greetigs from Berlin
Carlos Santana
I seem to remember Frank getting "broken" last time he was with you......I hope it goes better this time.
I hope you see this and watch this youtube pug video. It is only about 5 seconds long, but is the funniest thing ever. I laugh every time I see it! It you can't follow the link, search youtube for "dramatic pug". You will laugh so hard! Hopefully you can share it with your blog followers, as I think they will appreciate it too.
Frankie in Kirkland
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