We found the patch during our cowhike last weekend when 2 of my human's 3 braincells stopped working and we got kinda lost. Not scary-lost, but lost enough to find things we never knew were there. Like berries.
At first this wasn't very exciting because berry plants are full of prickly things and bees. But a bunch of people were picking and eating so I figured berries must be really tasty if they were risking prickles and bee-stings.
The first berry I ate was so nasty I spit it out. Berry #2 was also nasty and got spit too. I was about to give up on the whole berry thing, when my human told me secret to berry picking (and eating)...
Berries are sooooooo tasty!!
PS: In case you can't watch the video, black = yummy, red = nasty.
Hey Puglet, did you know that New Jersey is the Cranberry Capitol of the world? In the fall we go to cranberry festival down on this thing called the bog and we get to eat lots and lots of cranberries. NJ is also special for blueberries. We like blueberries too!
They're berry good but they make our tongues blue!
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
PS ... Did anybody feel the mid-Atlantic earthquake yesterday?
Puglet, you speak HUMAN?!
Puglet you are just so supercute, it's crazy. And you listen to your human so well!
Hi Puglet
I discovered apricots too. They fall off the tree in our backyard. Green is nasty - yellow is good - bright orangy-yellow is great - and brownish orange is STILL YUMMY!!!!
Love your video. Mine are so amateur in comparison. . . that's because as soon as the camera is on I stop what I am doing or run off camera. Treat be damned! I am a star and we do it MY WAY!!!!!
or No way
which is what is happening lately
Love Noodles
You are true to your word Puglet. You are extrasupercute today! Sometimes life can make you leak, but that's why superimportant to stop and eat some berries sometimes.
Hi Pug,
Yes, berries are delish! I discovered Mom's strawberries she was growing on the patio. She couldn't figure out why they were disappearing until she caught me secretly gobbling them up. I was so busted, need to be more sneaky next time.
Hey Puglet,
Bailey the Pug here...my human just found your blog last week and she has read almost every post you have put up since you started blogging. (Sounds a little whacko, I know, but she just loves pugs and thinks you are funny)She thinks your blog is great and now looks foward to reading a new post every day!
Puglet you are so smart!!! I'm gonna have to tell momma to get me some of those!!!
Something about your cheeks/lips... cute and sexy and... yeah, you look yummy! LOL
Why the red one nasty? Sour?
ps. still wanting to get your address so my mama can send you some pug shaped gummy from Germany
HOLY scary smart! And extrasupercute
2 or 3 brain cells! LOL love it
Careful! we know chocolate and raisins and grapes aren't good for us...are blackberries the new MilkBone??
You are so cute you make my day...
Lurv my puglet...
Puglet, I've never voluntarily spat anything out of my mouth in my entire life. That must have been one yucky berry. Glad you found a few good ones, though. -Love, Sid.
I love berries....just not blueberries....thost make me blow up (not in a good way)
I've had strawberries and raspberries, those are super yummy!
Way to jack up the extra cuteness today Pug. That made my mom go "Awww...freaking adorable" and those are suppose to be my words.
I hope you and your gang are enjoying the sun. We may melt on Sunday...almost 100! Yuck
Puglet! Thanks for the info on the berries...not that I ever come across any but ya never know. You sure were cute eating them up. Uh...did Dutch get any? Just wondering...
Puglet, you did not disappoint, extra super cute and happy indeed! :)
Hi Puglet,
and how extra super cute and happy you are!
We love the story and the video - my good self would never think of eating berries right from the shrub. How, if my Mum could pick them for me?
Pug Greetings from Berlin,
Carlos Santana
Puglet! You are famous! I immediately recognized your clever "Please feed the pug sign"
Never had a blackberry, Puglet but I LOVE blueberries, otherwise known as Ollie Candy at our house: fresh, frozen, dried, kind of ripe and even the fuzzy ones I dig out of the garbage.
Hola Puglet!!
You are so smart!!!
Spongy & Licky
Jersey Shore Puggles ~
I didn't know that but my human did. She's from NJ and has been to a bog. In a bog? Not sure. But she said they picked cranberries and that there weren't bees or prickly things.
Noodles + Suki ~
I'm kinda jealous about your backyard fruit. We have a meyer lemon tree but lemons are nasty no matter what color they are!
Sammy ~
Yep. The nasty red ones are suuuuuuuper sour. Totally not eatable. I guess they do make red berries that taste good (raspberries) but the red berries I ate are just black berries that aren't done being born yet. Or something.
Confusing, I know.
I can't believe you have gummy pugs/boobs! I would love to share them :) Email me >> dailypuglet/gmail.com
Trust me, Sid. You'd absolutely spit out a red berry.
Hiya Maggie ~
Dutch wasn't smart enough to figure out the whole red/black thing so my human picked a berry for him. He took one nibble (not even a bite, a tiny little nibble) and went back to eating grass. He's so weird.
Thanks for the berry tip Ollie! I thought the blue ones were bad because they made Bellatrix blow up like a puffer fish. But if you can eat fuzzy ones from the garbage, maybe my human will get me some blueberries from Canada.
Puglet, you are totally extrasupercute and happy! Thanks for making my day!
Oh, Pug, that was super cute! And you should definitely try blueberries...yummy!
OK, you're just ridiculously cute and smart Pug! I just spit out a red berry the other day myself. Black ones rock though :)
Meredith & Scarlet
Unfortunately, have not found any berries or similar eatables in our backyard, and we hardly ever go hiking...But, I looove to eat the fresh blueberries that my Momma keeps in the freezer for a special treat! We have figs near the driveway. I am not allowed out there! They fall off the tree at our house, but the nasty squirrels get them before I wake up...BTW, does anyone know how to prevent them from wrecking our beautiful Gardenia blossoms? Those ugly gray rats with bushy tails bite off the buds, spit them out, and leave them on the ground :(
Eddie the Pug
puglet your video made my mom remember her family dog. her name was Lady and she was a chocolate lab. momma says she would go blackberry picking with her, auntie and grammaw and eat all the good berries! they always had to run to beat Lady to the patches so they could make something called a "cobbler." we live in the city and because of momma's bad feet we can't go hiking, but maybe she could buy me some blackberries at the store...
Puglet, have you tried strawberries? Weezer goes CRAZY over strawberries. But then Weezer goes CRAZY over pretty much everything so maybe that isn't such a good recommendation....
Thanks for the supercuteness; I think I needed that today!
Robinette and Weezer the Pug
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