Last night was the PugPROS rescue benefit and I do not know exactly what went on there because I had to stay home alone, by myself. I do know that today Pug had something called a hangover and that is why there was no blog.
Because I had to stay home alone, by myself, I did not get to have a hangover. So I don't know what a hangover is or why it kept Pug from making today's blog. But I do know that he did not want to get out of bed all day and was even grumpier than normal.
Pug promises to be here tomorrow. Nikon did not have to stay home alone with me, so there will be pictures.
Hey Dutch! Good to hear from you, but sorry it's under such circumstances as being left home alone, all by yourself. Make sure your human gives you lots of extra attention and treats for the neglect.
PS. Do you know who that mini-Pug is by Pug? Pretty cute!
Poor Pug!! Hope you are doing OK too. Just know that a hangover is something you DON'T want to have.
~ Frankie
P.S. That mini pug is kinda creepy!!
Pug does not remember the mini-Pug's name, but my human said she is called Cocoa.
To me, all pugs are half cute/half creepy. Sorry, but it is true.
She's kinda cute...if you like that small fawn kind of pug look. I heard your hangover may be from too many sweet potato fries
In my humble opinion, cute little Cocoa won the "friendliest pug" award last night :) My family had such a fun time at the PugPros fundraiser! What could be better than the Axis Cafe's burgers, fries, raviolis, and pizza on a WARM not FOGGY and COLD evening in the City by the Bay? Running around the patio and lounging by the fireplace were added benefits...I think the humans, ahem, our parents, enjoyed themselves too.
Can't wait to see more photos and sorry, you handsome boy Dutch, it was a "small dogs" only V.I.P. event.
Ok I think I know something :) Minnie and Max (famous head tilt pugs) posted on their fb page picture from this dinner :) there was them asking for more treats and there was Puglet!!!! With demand on carton board on his neck :) too cute and funny:) kisses sweet Dutch I love when you are posting on DP :)
What is this about food? Pug did not say anything about food.
It said " feed the pug" I think :)
And people really fed him??? A stunt like that would *never* work for a dalmatian.
It would!!!!! I'm sure! Minnie and Max also said that Puglet didn't had such a hard time as it can looks and that his treats are better then theirs:) no idea:)
I heard that this is not the first hangover for Pug. What gives, Dutch? Why does Pug get to have all the fun? I think you should demand a bender so that you can experience a hangover!
The picture looks like a wedding picture, how cute. Can't hardly wait to see more pictures from the hangover place, hee hee....
That little pug is adorable!!! Could be a mini doppelganager of Puglet in another dimension.
Coco here. Thanks to all of you for the kind words. I will take my award as 'friendliest pug'. My mom is very appreciative because she agrees. When we go to the park I run ahead of her to see if all my buds (unfortunately no pugs) are there so I can chase them when they fetch balls. Here's a link to my own blog - this particular entry is about how I want to be a Navy SEAL and deploy all my pug friends: http://pugsdiary.com/2011/05/07/coco-as-a-navy-seal/
Hope you see you all soon; I'll be the one with the tiara on my head!
Oh that coco is a real beauty, you guys look very striking in your harnesses!
Oh Dutch...I am so glad you posted! I've been wanting to tell you how handsome you've been looking in the pics lately. Too bad you had to stay home alone and not get to do that hangover thing...but from the sounds of it...maybe it was for the best since it seemed to make Puglet be lazy all day.
And...that Coco is a cutie...wish I could've been there to see and experience what sounds like a good time!
Dutch, it's great to hear from you, but I'd sure love a picture of you too!
Tell Puglet to drink lots of fluids (water, not booze).
Rocky the Texas Pug here,
It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time and I wish I could have been there! Hangover? I don't know this word. Can you eat it??
Regarding your comment about Texas.... right now it is in no way tropical. It's just HOT in Austin right now. HOT and DRY... not a good combination on the paw pads. When I go out to "water the grass" my tootsies burn up on the sidewalk!! It's been 103 for over a month! I would love to see some rain. We moved here from Denver in May and it has been H-O-T ever since!
Missing the snow and cool weather...
Now who says pugs aren't photogenic? Adorable!
Dutch - You were very smart to stay home. Hangovers are not fun.
Meatball and Lambchop (pugs from Winston-Salem, NC)
That picture is greeting card material. Heck we would hang that guy on the wall!! Love it!
This should be on a pug calendar somewhere!
Sounds like a fun event, although Pug didn't learn his lesson from earlier this week about drinking water. He might have avoided the hangover. Looking forward to seeing some pics of the party next week. Dutch, I bet it was nice to have a night with the place to yourself for once! -Love Sid.
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