It happened last Friday afternoon when a girl named Emily was crossing the street. That's all she was doing - crossing the street. My street. Between those dumb white lines my human always makes us stay between. And she was almost to the other side when a city bus made a weird turn and hit her.
She died right away.
Emily was 23. She moved to San Francisco less than a month ago and traveled all over the planet before coming here. I didn't know Emily. My human didn't know Emily. I don't think anyone we know knew Emily. But we've walked inside those same white lines about a gazillion times. A bus could have hit us. Or you. Or someone you know.

We didn't need to know Emily to be sad about what happened. And we don't need to know her people to send them huge buckets of the warmest, fuzziest thoughts possible.
So please send many warm + fuzzies to all the people who knew Emily and will miss her. I promise to be extra cute and funny and happy tomorrow.
So please send many warm + fuzzies to all the people who knew Emily and will miss her. I promise to be extra cute and funny and happy tomorrow.
That is a sad story. It is a reminder to live every day to the fullest.
Thank you for sharing this sad story with us Puglet, we're send lots of love Emily's people way.
Meredith & Scarlet
Very, very sad. It's still good that you share this with us, Puglet. That way we can send our collective healing juju to those that knew Emily. Even though we didn't know her, she should never be forgotten. Pug hugs to you and your human.
Hey Puglet,
Nothing hits harder than those tragic freak accidents that take the ones we love instantly without warning, like Emily.
Like our neighbour's husband who was killed instantly when a tractor trailer crossed over and hit his car head on...
Like the motorcyclist my human saw get hit by a car on a highway outside of Paris, on a bright sunny day...
Who can explain or understand such awful things?
All I know it makes my human step back from the daily crap of life and focus on being a kinder, gentler, more thoughtful human.
So, to all the Emilys out there and the families left behind, heartfelt thoughts of peace and comfort.
It is always upsetting to hear about avoidable accidents that cause the loss of life, especially one that has yet to really begin.
We must admit as soon as we heard the news last week, we panicked and checked the DP to make sure all of you were okay. This just shows how close we come to tragedy everyday.
Our hearts and thoughts are with Emily's family
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
That is a truly tragic story, and reminds us we never know when our end will be here.
Puglet, it is also a reminder for you and your family to be extra careful...I mean EXTRA careful.
We're sending love and hugs to Emily's people!! Such a tragic accident!!! Our hearts break for them. We will keep them in our prayers!!
Oh Puglet,
That is too tragic for words. I think watering cans will be needed to catch all the tears from our house.
Love Noodles
Very very sad.. amazing color of the photos tho. Your human might be gimpy, but her thumbs are awesome - all of her photos proves it. My human mom lost her brother - he was hit by a car from behind - 5 yrs ago. She knows the pain. Hugs and pug licks to Emily's family.
Leaky Sammy
Warm + Fuzzies being sent. Very sad and tragic. Emily's family and friends must be so sad. :(
If we didn’t have sadness in our world, we wouldn’t appreciate the happy times as much, Puglet.
They say today is called the present for a reason. It is a gift. We should all enjoy the present to the fullest.
Thanks for sharing this story with us Puglet, and where ever Emily is right now, I am sure that she is smiling down upon you for taking the time to remember her.
Puggle prayers being sent out from the Jersey Shore from Roxi, Riley, Lea and Hu-Mom. Rose
Thank you Puglet for caring enough to say something.
This is truly sad news, Puglet, for many reasons, and as a car-free pedestrian up here in Portland, I can say that a few unfortunate people (young, too, like Emily) have been hit & killed by unconscious bus drivers. It's a tragedy, and we walkers need to be REALLY aware of our surroundings. I used to walk with music blasting in my ears, but no longer--it's just not safe!
I know you're a pug that likes your walks, so be sure to keep your little wrinkled self safe.
Compassionate scritches from Caitlin and twin tabbies Abby & Audrey in PDX
What a horrible and sad thing! I am so sorry for her family and loved ones!
How kind of you to care so much about someone you didn't even know. May her soul rest in peace. May her family and friends be comforted during such a sad time.
Chang and Wayne & Rick in Chicago
This is so so sad :( Emily was so young :(
8 years ago I lost my parants, my biggest friends :( I was so unhappy, but one day, little puggie named Fredzio came to my house and said "hello I love you:)" and he made me happy again, he saved me. Hope that Emily's family and friends also will get their "Fredzio" one day, and be happy again with Emily in their hearts. ok I'm crying right now so bye for now Pug. I love you :)
Thank you, Puglet for sharing Emily's story with us and for reminding us that death is part of life and life is part of death.
We are sending our heartfelt condolences to Emily's family and friends, and will keep her in our prayers.
My mum lost her eldest son some years ago in a terrible boat accident. He was so young, 24 only and a wonderful young man and gifted student, just starting his life. So we know the pain.
We hope that Emily's family has good friends to share the grief with, and will eventually find a way to live with their terrible loss.
Sad greetings from Berlin
Carlos Santana
Hi Everybody,
I'm sorry to make everybody leaky, but I know all the extra warm+fuzziness you've created will be felt.
Sammy ~
Extrasuper sorry to bring leaking back to your human. I guess sad things like this happen more than we know :/
Fredzio, please go give your mom a big, fat puggy kiss!
You too Carlos Santana. A big wet, warm + fuzzy puggy kiss!
Thank you, Puglet - do not worry. We pugs are the best ever therapists and can make our humans feel loved, cared for and happy.
I know I came to this world and into this family to do just that! The bright star up there showed me the way ..
Carlos Santana
When mom came home dad told her to text your mom right away...he thought it was your mom that got hit!! Luckily our moms are texting queens and it all worked out.
I think we deserve a treat for that!
Very sad when an accident like that happens. Sending positive pug juju her families way
To Sammy, Misiober and Carlos Santana:
Some extra heart healing beagle magic to you, to help ease your heartache of remembrance of lost loved ones, today.
Even tho a sad story thanks for sharing Puglet. Lots of love thoughts out to everyone who has felt this pain...Sammy, Misiober and Carlos...feel like I know you so I send extra to you all.
How very sad for her loved ones. Thank you for your truly memorable tribute. Please be careful out there.
Pearl and Tessa
Thanks, Pug, for sharing. We, too, saw this story on the news, but didn't realize it was right in front of your house.
We send all our jujus, and warm and fuzzies to Emily, her family, and friends. The article you shared in your post talks about how much her friedns and co-workers enjoyed sharing their lives with her.
Heaven is a little more special today because Emily is there.
Lots of love to our DP friends,too, and thanks for sharing your leak-inspiring stories.
Lafayette Lola
Carlos Santana is right... Pugs are best therapists ever (altho, my human told me dogs are all great regardless of the breed)
Thank you, Ollie for such kind words. Thank you Puglet to share this story.
We got extra cookies for Emily today.
Much love - Sammy
May she enjoy the next REAL life....in THIS life may those blessed by her life remember those JOYS. Those joys never ever fade just like the love we have for our humans...pug smile......
I want to send my love to the family too.
this is so very sad,,, can I join your group and send love?
We want to say that we put our paws together and said a little prayer for Emily's family and friends. . . .
RIP Emily..
Tnx Puglet, for adding some fuzziness to their days, I'm sure too that it comforts the family. I read the story you linked to, and all her accomplishments remind me of a cousin of mine. He had also done and experienced SO much and he died by a freak accident when he was 18. Maybe he and Emily both felt on some level the need to not postpone things?
Lots of Puggie prayers, kisses, and hugs to Miss Emily, her family, and friends...so very very tragic and sad...
Dear Puglet, Dutch AND Human,
Thank you all for:
*Making me smile & laugh daily
*Making me leak occasionally
*Making me care ... constantly.
You are ALL rare & very special beings
(even tho only one of you has thumbs).
Love from Puglsly and his human
So, so very sad Puglet. After years of traveling the world, to be killed crossing the street--in the crosswalk! I hope Emily knew she was loved by so many people (and dogs it would see too!); some she had never even met...
Thank you, dear DP community for your nice words.
I am so unhappy today. My pug friend Uwe crossed the rainbow bridge two days ago and we only got to know yesterday evening. He was such a lively, funny and happy little pug. Uwe was hit by a car in a very busy main road. He was so independant and never like leashes ... poor Uwe.
So I thought that Emily might like pugs and Uwe certainly will like Emily. May be they have met up there and Emily can be Uwe's human in another world?
Very sad greetigs from Berlin
Carlos Santana
I don't even know what to say. Incredibly sad. It sounds as if Emily loved and lived life to it's fullest. Thank goodness for that. I am thinking of her mother and I truly hope she can feel all of our prayers, healing wishes, and pug juju. Sadie pug and I will keep her in our hearts. Bless everyone who commented on this... there is hope for us yet.
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