Except for one problem: I don't have a father.
I lived with my mom for awhile and I kinda remember her, but I don't remember ever having a father. Google says it's kinda normal for a dog to only know its mom, so I guess I'm normal. But being normal doesn't exactly help me celebrate Father's Day.
So I asked my human if she could help me find my father. Stuff like that happens on TV all the time, right? But she said it's kinda different with dogs and since I was recycled, there's probably no way to make it happen. But she did say I don't need a "biological father" to celebrate Father's Day because the #1 most important man in my life counts just as much.
I can celebrate The Man!
I love The Man more than I love the father I never knew and might not even have, so I'm totally celebrating him instead. Kinda wondering though, if Google was right about the whole dogs-not-knowing-their-fathers thing. Anyone here ever met theirs??
Oh Puglet...I'm with ya, I don't know my father but I have a Man too to totally celebrate on Sunday and even better cuz today is his birthday and he gives me treats on his birthday and I think I will get a treat on Sunday for the Father Day thing too so I say no biggie on not knowing who my real father is cuz I love this Man so much that I don't even think about any other man.
I'm in the same boat. Never knew my biological father and can't really even remember my biological mom either. But none of that matters cause of my adoptive parents. I think they have given me so much more love and care than anyone else could have. So definitely celebrate Father's day with The Man...and ask for some more Golden Chicken...but tell Dutch to go easy on it!
me...I knew my dad! My mom was a black pug, who was real tall and leggy; my pop was a big, beefy fawn pug. I got the best of both of them...I'm a big beefy black pug (weighing in at 39 lbs last vet visit, but I've been on exercise and reduced treat diet to get me back down to 36 lbs.) I was born with 2 fawn sisters. But then I came to live here, and I have a poodle bossy pants sister. And the new cats...3 instead of 1!
Pug, I'm the same -- never knew my dad. And get this -- I AM a dad, many times over, but I was never once allowed to meet any of my pups, even though I would have liked to. I bet your dad wanted to meet you too, and I bet he would be real proud of all the work you do to bring attention to important dog / pug issues.
Father's Day will be kinda sad for me, knowing some of my pups probably didn't end up in perfect homes -- but like you, I'm lucky to have a Man who likes giving me meat treats and head massages, and I think that's totally worth celebrating.
The person with a penis that sneaks you the meat is the one to celebrate Puglet. Trust.
Hi Puglet!
my sister from another mister....and misses, Janey totally knows her biological daddy, in fact my human mamma's brother owns him and her biological mommy too. but her biological mommy is really mean and always attacks her, for no reason. I think she's jealous of her, but my human mom says it may have something to do with her being the runt of the liter. her daddy is real nice though, but he's kind of clumsy. we play tug and chase, but sometimes he steps on me and it hurts...a lot.
as for me, I never met my biological father, but I do have "the Man" that I honor on this day. I think would like "the Man" better than my real dad anyways. "the Man" likes to give me cookies, and doggie ice cream, and if I'm really really good BACON! I don't think my real daddy would share all those yummies with me.
licks and sticks,
We love our human daddy. He does not have a curly tail, but he is our daddy and we love him mucho much. We don't even think about our biological dad, cuz we got best human daddy on earth !! Happy Father's Day ~
That's what it's all about Puglet! The Man IS your daddy! I hope you and Dutch have a wonderful dad's day with him!
PS: While I know this is YOUR blog...haven't seen too much of Dutch lately. Is he vacationing?
Hey Pug, I don't know my bio father either. I too have a wonderful Man in my life who love me almost as much as I love him. He is the one I will eat cookies for this Sunday.
I am recycled too, but I was rescued with my litter-mates and my bio mother. I definately remember them and seek them out when I see them at the Pug parties.
Klausie knew his dad before we brought him home with us. He was a big, stocky, fancy show pug - pure black, just like our little guy. He showed Klausie how to lift his leg to pee the day we brought him home--in fact, he gave him such a close demonstration, he almost peed RIGHT ON Klausie, just before we put him in the car. (What are dads for, right?) I guess that's a lesson Klausie took to heart, because he's been demonstrating his dad's technique perfectly ever since. ;)
Hi Puglet,
We have two mommies (sisters) who has no desire to give me "daddies" or "the man" any time soon. But I do have a granddaddy that we will celebrate.
3 M's
Aw Puglet! The Man IS your Daddy, so celebrate away with him with all the meat and cookies that you're allowed to have!
Yes, I DO know my bio Daddy...he's a big PugDude named Rufus and we totally look alike. Mom says he needs to wear pants because it's gross to see his intact "business" going on. (TMI?)
Even though I know my bio PugDaddy....My HUMAN Daddy is the one I love most! He gives me treats, snuggles and whispers secrets to me and doesn't mind when I put my brown-eye in his face at night while we're sleeping.
Have fun celebrating Pug!
Hi Puglet,
I never met my father either and I live in an all woman household. Even Mommy#1 does not have a father (aside from the biological kind and he is not known). So I celebrate all the father figures in my life AND THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!
Happy Fathers Day to all DADDYS
Love Noodles
Awww Puglet,
The Man loves you and you love the Man, that's all that matters. So celebrate like crazy!!
I don't know my father and I don't have a Man, but I have 2 mommies that give me double the lovin', and that suits me just great!
Happy Father's Day to all the "Mans" and all the fur papas.
Love ya',
Here in Poland we celebrate Father's Day on 23rd of June, my girls don't know their fathers either, but Zuzia adores her human daddy, he took her from that horrible factory.
Fredzik's father was a polish champion, and we know him only from the picture, anyway my boy looks just like his mommy and loves his human daddy very much :)
Happy Father's Day to all Dads !!!! known and unknown :)
Hi puglet the only Dad i know is human and i picked him out of many humans who came to see me so Father's day is a big deal to us. I never got to meet my doggie daddy either but at least we are lucky to have good humans:)
i lived with my pug mom and dad till my now mommy got me. daddy was a big black pug named otis and pug mom was a dainty girl named kahlua i had 6 brothers and sisters (thats a lot!) and i was the last one to be picked up. one sister and brother stayed with pug mom and dad though so i wasn't really last last. i don't have a "man" to celebrate but mom said she's always trying to find me one. till then, she'll just have to do. enjoy your cookies and man bonding!
Happy Father's Day to all!!!!
Enjoy the day with the Man. He loves you! This is the most important.
Here, in Brazil, the Father's Day is the second Sunday of August.
Hi Puglet! My human parents don't know if I ever knew my dog dad, bit my sister, Luna, knows both her dog mom AND her dog dad! And our human parents got to meet them both. See where Luna was born, the really nice people who borned her made our human parents go through this thing called an interview before they would let them bring Luna home with us. They are really nice people who love their dogs a lot. But nobody loves me and Luna more than our human mom and dad so this Sunday is all about my human pop!
Someone who brings you Spam deserves to be celebrated!
I met my sister Camille's father years ago before she was even born. He sure was a handsome fellow. I liked him a lot.
Chloe and her sissies
Dear Puglet,
On Father's Day, my human dad and I are going to be in his "man cave" sitting on the couch together watchin' some baseball on the TV thingy...maybe I can try to change the show to Animal Planet if he snoozes for a minute! He just like to relax on his day, but I know he will take Wallace and me for our morning walk, then TREATS afterwards :) My hu-mom and hu-sister will take him out to a special place for dinner. He is the bestest dad ever because he loves me so much and lets me sleep on the bed right next to him-even under the covers! I never met my Puggie dad either...so sad...and never saw my mom again after I was taken to the "pet shop". My sister Stella and I are so glad to be outta there and living in nice places now.
Huggles from your pal,
Eddie the Pug
It's all good, Pug. I never met my biological pops and my human dad is overseas. But, my uncle lives with me, my mom and my aunt. I don't really like him though. I don't really like "human dudes" that much. Have a great weekend with The Man and hope you get a lot of cookies!!
Hi Pug! Phoebe here. I am a very lucky pug because I have been with my biological Mom, Zoey, since I was born and my Bio-Dad,Yoda, lived with us until he went to the Rainbow Bridge about a year ago. He was my best playing buddy and I followed him like a shadow. I was lucky too because I was born an only-pug, so I didn't have to share him with anybody. I'm sure your Bio-Dad would have loved playing with you & be proud of what a cool pug you've become. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
P.S. Happy Father's Day to Dutch, we can not forget that he is both a father and a grandfather.
I don't know my bio pug parents either. I came from a pet store and if I didn't get paid for I was going to become a "breeder". My hu-mom says she couldn't let that happen, so she paid for me and got me fixed, but she said I wasn't broken. I don't really understand that. My hu-dad loved me and gave me treats and snuggled me at night. He said I made him happy and he said I made my hu-mom happy too, but he graduated to glory before I was one year old. Now The Man in my life is my hu-uncle and my hu-cousin. Are you keeping all this straight. We are going to celebrate by giving my hu-uncle a camera named Fugi, so he can take lots of pictures of me.....and other things. We in the pug pack (Phoebe, Kizzy, Dutchy, and Olita) are totally celebrating Father's Day with yummie cookies and white stuff in a can.
Phoebe in Gladstone, Oregon
I am recycled too. Mom doesn't know if I ever knew my mom or dad, because I was given up and came to live with my mom who loves me very much. The only Man in my life is my human brother. He likes me but doesn't really play with me or anything. Oh, I do have a 9 year old human boy cousin who spends a lot of time here and he likes me too. I know that my cousin is taking my bro out for dim sum on Sunday courtesy of my mom. Never really thought about not having a dad, but I am very happy. Happy Father's Day all you daddies.
Hi Puglet!
Beulah and her siblings were kind of an accident. You see, her mom had had three litters and wasn't supposed to have any more babies so her breeder put her in a separate area with a few other non-fertile girls and an older pug named Gus. She thought Gus wasn't interested in baby-making anymore, but a few weeks later she realized that the old guy and Beulah's mom, Ming, had a little fun that afternoon! After she was born, Ming and Gus both got their bits out to ensure there weren't any more babies from them!
Barney doesn't know his bio-pop (not even sure if he remembers his mom) but he was a bio-Dad lots of times at the puppy mill. So for Father's Day, we'll call grandpa and Barney might get an extra treat to celebrate all his (previous) hard work!
Wait... is the man your human's husband/boyfriend? If he is then he is kind of your father! :)
Hi Puglet its Sequoia here. I knew my Mom and Dad. My Dad was a huge pug! I was the runt and yes you can tell since I am smaller. I don't remember much since my humans came and got me after only 9 short weeks of life. And now he lives 3000 miles away from me.
Happy Fathers day to The Man and you.
I think she's jealous of her, but my human mom says it may have something to do with her being the runt of the liter. her daddy is real nice though, but he's kind of clumsy. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Pug,
Mom says I look a lot like my "dad" he was black like me, but I have the figure of my mom-although she was fawn. Mom says I also have another thing in common with my 'rents, their boy/girl "parts", I don't know what she means, but she says it with a giggle.
I have an awesome human daddy. Mom says he acts all tough, but with one look of the orbs, he gives in to all my demands. I would totally share him with you, but you've got the "Man".
our people daddy rescued both daisy and i. daisy from a shelter and me from my first family (who had no idea how to take care of a puppy so they left me in a kennel all day). we're very grateful for him and are planning a fun surprise daddy's day for him to show him how much he means to us. i don't think either of us knew our real dads, but people daddy makes up for it.
i'm glad you have the man to celebrate. i'd hate for you to have to go without cookies.
Puglet.....if it makes ya feel any better, my sister Molly's dad was her GRAMPA!!! Yuck!
I swear tuh Gawd it's true! I seen it on her AKC papers!
I'm startin' tuh think AKC stands fer "American KIN Club".
Anyhoo, celebrate The Man.
Hi Handsome Pug,
I'm celebrating my human Daddy today.
I was living on the streets when I was recycled so I don't know where my bio dad is. They say I probably had a litter of pugpups when I was super young & I don't know where their dad is or where they are.
All I know is that my human Daddy gives me more love than I ever dreamed of so he's getting all the props today, and The Man should too. I am grateful we have these awesome dudes.
Woof Woof... We would share our doggie dad with you if we could.
Lexie & Tate, The Rat Terriers
The Rat Terrier Mom Blog
I am celebrating my human dad today! Since I am recycled, we don't know who my real one was. Have fun with The Man!
~ Frankie from Seattle
We are recycled, but guessing Tessa probably new her dad at some time...at least who he was cause he is on her gyneology list. It doesn't matter, what matters is who loves you and takes care of you. We do have grandpa, we even bought him a card!
Pearl and Tessa
We don't know our bio dad but we don't care. Our "man" always asks us,"Who's your Daddy?" and we give him lots and lots of puggle kisses to tell him "It's you!"
We were all going to celebrate HIS day on Sunday, but he got real sick and had to go to the human hospital last night. The van with the lights and the loud siren came and got him and we were all really sad, but Hu-Mom said he'll come back home on Tuesday and then we'll all be really happy again.
Hu-Mom Rose here and I hope all you Dad's (Human and canine) enjoyed the day yesterday.
Roxi, Riley and Lea (The Jersey Shore Puggles)
Hi Puglet,
We met our dads, this is Ellie, my dad was named Royal Simba he passed away but I did meet him so did my humans. He was an apricot pug like me.
Emmitt and Eli here, our dad was named Battman Bruce and we met him too, so did our humans.
Battman was a handsome solid black pug, unfortunately he was killed by French Bulldog last year.
The 3E's from San Antonio wishing all pugs happy any day at all, as long as you get to eat cookies.
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