Now that HAL4.1 is back, I have some juju SOSes to catch up on. First one is from a Pug named Pug (that's what my human calls me! Cool name, huh?). Anyway, his Golden Retriever brother Scooby had to have his toe removed after his foot got attacked by the C-word (Malignant Melanoma). The doctors say Scoob won't be with Pug + his family much longer and they want him to be happy and pain-free for as long as possible.
Sounds like a job for juju!
Next bunch of juju needs to go to an ubercute puggy named Freya. She was rescued from a puppy factory where they forced her to keep making puppies even though her knees were really really bad. She just had surgery to fix the bad knees and is now bionic like Suki! But bionic pugs need juju too, so please send a bunch her way.

Don't stop the juju yet... because Petunia (with the outie-tongue) is at the vet right now. Something bad is going on with her ear - only I'm not sure what because she wouldn't let her human anywhere near it. But there was blood and blood is never good. Pretty sure juju is stronger than blood though, right?
OK, this last SOS is a little different but still totally juju-able. Here's the message I got:
Can anyone in New England foster a special needs couple for Pug Rescue of New England?
We have a pair coming in that must stay together. 7-ish male is blind insulin-dependent diabetic. Female in fine health, acts as the male's seeing eye dog. All of our special needs foster homes are full. Please help by passing word along. If we don't get these two in this week they're shelter-bound :(
Pug Rescue Of New England (PRoNE) can be reached via
Phew. I think that's everyone who needs our help (at least that I know of). I'm really glad I have so many friends because that's a whole bunch of juju!
OK, this last SOS is a little different but still totally juju-able. Here's the message I got:
Can anyone in New England foster a special needs couple for Pug Rescue of New England?
We have a pair coming in that must stay together. 7-ish male is blind insulin-dependent diabetic. Female in fine health, acts as the male's seeing eye dog. All of our special needs foster homes are full. Please help by passing word along. If we don't get these two in this week they're shelter-bound :(
Pug Rescue Of New England (PRoNE) can be reached via http://www.
Phew. I think that's everyone who needs our help (at least that I know of). I'm really glad I have so many friends because that's a whole bunch of juju!
Good work, Pug. Juju sent!
Sending all the Juju I can muster (as well as Megan and Jasper). Jasper was a Pug Rescue of New England rescue...they are a great rescue group and have helped a ton of pugs. I will check in with them to see if they have found a foster yet. You have TONS of friends, puglet (and Dutch) because you have such a huge heart!
Sending our JUJU to all. Gonna have mommy give us some more snack so our JUJU power will be stronger.
This is Tessa, sending a ton of Juju for all of the gang. Pearl could also use a little today, not much, just a little...she stepped on a wasp when we were out for a walk...she is ok, a little scared, dozing on Benadryl right now.
Pearl and Tessa
Mega JuJu to eveyone in need!
Trunks and Demarus
Roxi, Riley and Lea here. Hu-Mom got us in a row and we had a moment of silence to concentrate and focus on sending puggle prayers to Pug, Freya, Petunia, the two foster pugs w/ the NE Pug Rescue, Pearl and still sending happy thoughts and ju-ju to Trunks from a few weeks back. We worked hard to stay focused and we all put everything we had into the effort. wooosh, we need cookie treats and a nap now! Will send more magic ju-ju and prayers before bed time tonight.
Roxi, Riley and Lea (The Jersey Shore Puggles)
Oh Puglet...juju coming to all from me! I just loved seeing the pics of everyone and can send extra juju cuz I can focus better! Uh, I think that helps, anyway, my juju is out there BIG TEXAS STYLE!
All this juju sos made my mommy's eyes leak again. She wants all our pugs and fur friends to be healthy as can be. She certainly wants the New England pugs to have a home of their own, even if it's a foster home for a while. So, me, my 4 brothers and sisters, my foster brothers, and my mommies are sending major JUJU to Scooby, Freya, Petunia,and the NE pugs. Were going to tell our friends to send juju also. There's just no way things can't get bunches better for everyone!
Love ya'
JuJu to you Pearl. Feel better.
Sending all the juju I've got to our pug and non-pug friends. It's so nice to know that whenever and wherever good jujus and vibes are needed, they can be found right here.
I feel Petunia's ear pain. I get ear infections All.The.Time. They hurt, my ears swell up inside, they stink, and the medicine sucks. I hope that's all she has going on, cuz even though it's no fun, totally treatable.
Thinking only good thoughts today-
Lafayette Lola
We're also sending our polish-pugie JUJU to Scooby, and Freya (my two girls Zuzia and Pucia have also factory past, so they're sending their pugie juju to Freya) and sweet Petunia (still love this name) and rescued girl and boy, hope they'll find great new homes soon!!! Hugs to all of you!!! Stay safe!!
Magical JuJu to all! OH, we hope NE pugs can have their home/foster parents soon. We will eat extra cookies today, so we can produce more jujus ~
Ju ju away!
Wow! Can you imagine if we could actually take a picture of the Juju going around today?!? I bet it would look like a rainbow of love. Praying for all the doggies that need it!
PS. I'm with the 3 M's (Mochi, Macho, and Marshmallow) about getting some treats to make the juju even stronger!
Thank you so much to the Jersey Shore Puggles for all the JuJu a few weeks back! Trunk is doing much better and got the OK to start going up and down the stairs again! All I can say is that this JuJu stuff really works.
Trunks and Demarus
Not a good day, except maybe Freya who we know is getting better. Prayers for a swift recovery.
Scooby, you look like such a lovable sweetheart. Lots of hugs and kisses to you sweet baby. Lots of prayers for you.
Petunia, praying for a good result and quick healing.
Gee Pug, hope you are having a super day. Please keep us updated on all these sweethearts...please.
Wow, so many pugs (and other dogs too) in need of good ju-ju. My thoughts are with Freya and Petunia for a good recovery. Scooby, I hope you know the love felt for you and the rest of your life is filled with happiness.
It seems rescues everywhere are experiencing the same thing - so many dogs, so few foster homes. As you know Puglet, the rewards of fostering can far outweigh the inconvenience of sharing your human's snuggles. You never know when you'll meet your new best friend.
Freya is on her slow recovery and still has a long ways to go before she will be fully healed. Thank you so much for the ju-ju SOS.
I'm so happy that Trunk feels much better. I know our today's juju will have the same strenght! Go juju!
Oh my - we have activated our juju machine over here...I am so sorry that Scooby isn't long for our world. Kisses to all.
Dear Puglet. I'm sending all the juju I can muster.... Puggy from Switzerland
Sending good juju to all who need it!
Fostering brings extra good juju--give it a try!
Thank you, Puglet. :)
Iggy and Charlie
Puglet, you've been busy working the juju for all these deserving pups! We're adding our juju to the mix and hope it works for all of them.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Long time reader, first time poster. First off, Thank you to Pug, Brother Dutch and their Human for sharing all of these awesome (and not so awesome) stories. THis is my favorite blog! I am sending bundles of JuJu to all those in need. While everyone's story is hugely important, my heart does throb a lot for Miss Freya. So lucky to be bionic and I hope karma shows it's face to those who kept her in such a state. grrrrr.
Bottling up all the Juju and sending it their way!
Scooby and Pug-- You guys will be in our prayers-- stay strong and enjoy each others company. Scooby looks so sweet... such a heart wrenching story.
Freya and Petunia-- Hope you guys have a speedy recovery!! We will be praying for you two as well!
Major JUJU going out to Scooby, Freya, Petunia!!!! I'm very sad to hear of other pugs and dogs sick. It is no fun, but the JUJU helped me out 2 weeks ago (thanks Puglet!) and I'm hoping the same for the ones in JUJU need!
I'm sending extra JUJU to the Pair of Pugs in New England ~ I hope they find a home.
Pugs and kisses to them all!!!!!!
Texas size juju being sent to Freya, Scooby and Petunia!
Freya - everyone's juju worked for me when I became bionic. It will work for you too!
MEGA Juju coming everybody's way. HOLD on tight.
Come on everybody. Let's rally up and send some mega positive vibes through the airwaves!! It really works, especially when you ask the angels to join in on your juju!!
~Angels and Love~
Ultra-mega-uber-powered-to-infinity-and-beyond juju for all !!!
Petunia thanks you all for the juju! She's so much better after getting a shot and some ear drops from the vet. It was just an ear infection thank god. The blood made me nervous for my furbaby! Maggie May, Petunia's sister is sending a whole lot of juju to Scooby, Freya and the NE Pugs!!!
If we were closer the NE pugs could come to my house as I specialize in sugar babies. So sending juju to them and every one else.
Sending Mega JUJU!
sending super mega big jujus!!!
Insane amount of juju coming their way!!! Must concentrate hard....
~ Frankie from Seattle
Abby and Trunks, so happy you are doing better.
Petunia, glad it was only an ear infection, although that is not a good thing either; however you will get better.
Hugs to all
Sending Juju their way!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Lots of Juju going out right....NOW. Sheesh we need a Juju hotline!
Minnie Moo
We just posted the PRoNE foster request on the Little Paws for You rescue FB group page which is here in Rhode Island - lots of wonderful people who may be able to help.
We're sending lots & lots of good juju to Pug, Scooby, Freya, and Petunia too!
Meredith & Scarlet
I'm sending a super-batch of my magical beagle juju to all the puppies and their humans in need.
Lucy put on her juju helmet and got into her focus position (downward facing dog) and sent out some juju. All those little babies should be feeling better soon. They all deserve an extra treat and some cuddles.
Pugsley and his whole human family send lots of juju to all. and yes, puglet, juju IS stronger than blood. also sending lots of love.
Hi Puglet,
My human has been SUPER busy but she wanted to let you know she has passed the information about the two pugs in need of a foster home to Karen Powers who is the founder of Green Mountain Pug Rescue in VT. I am not aware of any pug in need that has ever been turned away by GMPR, even those who are taken in on Hospice care. You can find more information at
Sending lots & lots of powerful healing JuJu to all our furry friends & the New England pugs who need a home! Hope everything works out for all.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
BIG JUJU coming from the 3E's in San Antonio going to Scooby, Freya and Petunia.
I'm bionic too Freya I have 2 pins in my knee and they never stopped me from doing agility!
Ellie and her brothers Emmitt and Eli
Since we already are a house of two pugs, and on the west coast, we can't take the twosome. I just want people not to be scared of taking care of dogs with diabetes, We have had both rescue cats and dogs we have had to inject. We have had dogs that were blind, toothless and diabetic, and thrived!
Pearl and Tessa's mom
Oh, Puglet, I am running out of tears. I sent so much juju, and even donated to some pug rescue sites...ahh, now I need some juju! I wish I could save every pug in the world!
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