Pug turns 3 years old this week and I don't know what to get him for his birthday. I know he likes toys and food. And also food and... other food. But since it's his Special Day, I want what I get him to be special. He can be a pain in the you-know-where, but I love the little guy.
(Please don't tell him that, he will get an even bigger head).
I also heard my human say we're almost out of food, so Pug might meet the scale before his Day comes. I think he is tubey, so a visit to the scale will absolutely probably = diet and diet means no food.
If you were turning 3 (and looking a little tubey) what would you want for your Day??
Many thank yous!
* * *
Yesterday was Minni's Day and I believe we ate extra cookies to celebrate it. Today is Paco's Day over in Oakland (CA) and we will eat cookies for you too, Paco.
Pug always makes sure we get extra cookies on days that are Special. I think that is why he's a little bit fat.
Yesterday was Minni's Day and I believe we ate extra cookies to celebrate it. Today is Paco's Day over in Oakland (CA) and we will eat cookies for you too, Paco.
Pug always makes sure we get extra cookies on days that are Special. I think that is why he's a little bit fat.
Hello Dutch,
Why not a party on the beach with all your friends?
After a long afternoon of frolicking on the beach and in water then you could finish with some golden chicken and cookies. Tip: Cookies don't count when they follow exercise.
Happy yesterday (:-)) to Minni and happy today to Paco :) both of you please have lots of fun :)
Dutch nice to read you !!! and see you :) I think the best gift will be to convine your Human to visit to the scale after Pug Bithday, and on his Birthday have all food fun. Pug would love you for this :)Kiss beautiful Dutch :)
Ohhhh, beach party sounds good. Maybe a smaller Henrietta so Puglet stops stealing yours?
Dutch, I totally agree with Sabrina! Play time at the beach and then some treats. Maybe you could get Pug some bully sticks or something. I really liked the purple elephant that my gammy and gampy got me from their trip so San Antonio TX. (3E's: I told them to keep an eye out for you guys, but no luck!)
Minni and Paco, happy happy day to you both!
Puglet seems very happy when he is at the beach with his friends. He loves the Man so he should be there too. Then you can all run and play and burn off calories! Puglet will love the fact that you want to do something special for him, volunteer to be the one on the scale!
A good Romp and play is always good. I don't think baby cow pies count in the calorie department. Maybe you can go chase cows for pug's special day.
They also have lo cal spam!
Happy special days to Minnie and Paco.
Birthday wish = NO SCALE!
and do that beach frolic too!!
A fun day out with you, your human and the Man to where ever Pug enjoys the most would be good and just for his birthday a special dog birthday cake. The time for diet is the day after. To be on the safe side with the human, no cow pies or poop of any kind...you can still have a lot of fun without them.
Sorry to hear HAL4.1 has died. Does this mean a new computer is in the near future?
Minni, hope you had a good birthday. Paco, hope your birthday today is full of fun.
Oh, I just reread the post, and evidently didn't read it well the first time...duh. HAL4.1 isn't actually dead, just pretend dead for Pug so you could post.
Hi Dutch,
I am hoisting a paw full of cookies for my furiends celebrating specal days.
For Puglet - oooooh, that is a tough question Dutch. I think a toy is a grrrrrrr8 idea as a gift because (1) Puglet likes them and (2) you might also have a chance to play with the toy. I heard there are some NEW ones in the stores now.
Another idea - Since the weather is (FINALLY) warming up, maybe something like one of those cool cloths everydog is talking about (Frog Tog Chilly Pads).
For the record, calories don't on your birthday, especially if you're with all of your awesome friends! (that counts for hoomans too!)
So LOTS of treats!
Meredith & Scarlet
Since Mack and I don't know what a beach is, we can't say if a party on the beach would be fun. So, how about ice cream since bacon is not welcome in your house? And Frog Tog Chilly Pad is a great idea to cool down hot puggies. Mack has one and he uses it on our walks when he gets super hot. Hu-mom puts it on him and plunks him in his stroller so he can cool down and still enjoy the walk!
Happy special day to Minni and Paco and what's up with Hal4.1?
Dutch, you're such a nice dogbro to think of Puglet!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Maybe your human could make some of that yummy ice creamy banana stuff (which our human still has not made for us). Puglet might not like this idea so much, but how about a donation in his name to a worthy cause? But, on a serious side, the Henrietta idea is great, and of course some treats, the Salmon Omega ones come to mind...also the beach, which sounds wonderful!
Pearl and Tessa
Ooh I like the sound of pug having his own mini Henrietta. That would be a present for me too. I've never heard of a cool frog tog lily pad whatnot thing. It is Texas hot right now so he would like something to help him not melt. He might like ice cream more though...
It's very nice of you to think of something nice to get for Puglet for his birthday. My idea is kinda sneaky...when your human brings everyone to the store for food, you can distract her from the scale so Pug doesn't get weighed...or some how fix it so he seems lighter. By that he'll get the treats and goodies!!
Good Luck!
~ Mookie
Oh Dutch...you are the best bro ever thinking about Puglet's day for him! I too like the beach idea since you guys have so much fun out there (wish we had a beach like that close to us). And, you just have to get him a new toy. We all know how he likes to review them after he checks them out so that is a must if you ask me. No matter what goes on he has to have some kind of treat regardless of the scale...I mean we eat treats just about every day here to celebrate someone's Speacial Day so Puglet has to have them on his day. Spam, bacon, golden chickens...all of them...then he can check out the scale later! Not that he could love you more, but knowing you scored some good food items for him, well, just saying!
And happy belated day to Minni and happy day to Paco. Oh my, that's two more treats for me today, I may have to check out the scale myself!
We all hope puglet gets cookies for his birthday. Maybe Panda Heads. No dog should be denied a cookie treat on his/her birthday. That’s just wrong. We’d eat two for puglet in celebration of his birthday but Hu-Mom will only give us one in recognition of all the special dates being celebrated ….. and she makes sure we don’t steal from each other too!
Anyway Dutch, we all vote for birthday cookies, a smaller version of Henrietta and a day at the beach with friends for Puglet’s birthday !!
Side Note: For the summer Hu-Mom bought us each a Kong and now she stuffs them once in a while with the banana and peanut butter no cream mixture and freezes them. OMG, they are to die for on a hot New Jersey afternoon.
Lea, Riley and Roxi (The Jersey Shore Puggles)
Hey Dutch! Maybe your human can give Pug some extra one-on-one Nikon time for his Day. He likes Nikon...we like to see pictures! And since you don't like to be in the spotlight, it's not something you can fight over (like Henriettas big or small).
Hi Dutch,
The suggestion about the beach day is fantastic, we think Puglet likes the beach the best.
As for birthday present, how about a gigantic Bully Penis Stick. One that would last about a month!
Its crazy hot in San Antonio, Texas right now, 104 with a heat index of 109. The news people are advising people and PETS to stay indoors.
Happy Day to Mini and Paco.
From the 3E's. Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from where else, crazy hot SA TX.
Food ! Anything he wants as much as he wants. However... please remember, tubey is cute, but fat is not so cute and it's not good for anyone (human or dogs). We don't believe in strict diet 24/7,365/yr, we all need some days to break "rules". B-day is the perfect excuse.
Mini and Paco, eat up today~
Sammy from confy MN, 70 degree now (sorry the 3E's and L)
Many thank yous for all the ideas! A beach party would be extra fun, but my human is quite gimpy these days - there is no way she could make such a thing happen.
[Don't tell anyone, but she almost left the house with 2 different shoes on yesterday.
Does not bode well for party planning.]
Pug would LOVE to be not-weighed for his birthday. Especially since we only refill the food bin every few months. He could spend the whole rest of the summer getting fatter! That could be the best birthday present ever.
PS to the 3Es:
It is Texas hot here today (87 degrees), but I think 104 is Africa hot.
Hi Dutch!
The suggestion about the beach day with all your friends and so much delicious food before and after, its soo good idea! I think.
Ohhh! He cannot forgot the hat!
Fred and mom Estelita
You can't go wrong with chicken! Maybe your human will help you grill a chicken breast - lots of protein and not a lot of calories! Puglet will love you forever! And while you're at it ... make sure you get one, too! Hugs, Ellen
I am not sure if you would be able to find one, but I have a really awesome snake toy that I LOVE. It has 3 segments and each one is a squeaker that works even when it is punctured. The best part is that it has no stuffing for me to eat and potentially get sick on, and its perfect pug size!!!!
~ Frankie from Seattle
Oh what we would do to have 87 degrees here...huh 3E's? That would be like heaven or something!
how about a swim party? We went swimming at my aunt and unlces this weekend and it was super fun! I'm sure I heard Auntie Polly say something about Puglet, swimming.... but I was having way to much fun to pay attention. I will ask about having a surprise party for him. Get back to you....
Puglet, I looked up that Frog Tog thing Noodles was talking about. Wow, if they work half as well as they say, I may be able to go outside in the summer without worry of passing out. My mum jsut ordered me one to try.
Its the 3E's from Texas
Our mom is stopping at the store to get us some Frosty Paws to cool us off.
And she is planning on putting ice cubes in our pug pool.
87 degrees, can we visit !!!
birthday wish for no scale sounds perfect!
Also - VERY special cookies for a VERY special pug!
Hi Dutch,
My annual check-up is right before my birthday and it always includes a weigh-in, a weigh-in lecture and the evil anal gland extraction!! I know all about birthday diet woes.
Maybe instead of regular kibble or an extra treat, Puglet could get a special birthday meal, like Golden Chicken, Spam-Lite, or both?
Whatever you guys decide to do (big or small), he'll be celebrating with his pack and that's the best present of all.
Happy Day Minnie & Paco! I'll be enjoying a Bosco & Roxy's Frozen Yogrrz (peanut butter & banana). Summer heat means summer treat!
Hey Dutch, how about a low-cal snack from the no recipe book. Pug loves to help in the kitchen. And you get to enjoy the benefits of snacking too.
Paula from De
Food, treats, stuff and lots of attention!
Happy birthday early! My oldest pug Izzy is having a birthday this week and we even gave your blog
a shout out on our blog!
For a present, how about a new collar .....and then when Puglet is looking kinda sad he got a utilitarian gift you can whip out a box of treats and/or a new toy!!
Hi Dutch!
If you guys were to get together this weekend, we'd definitely make the trip up to celebrate!!
Btw, you should ALL come down here to beat the heat. We were socked in with that foggy stuff all day....
Yay! I finally got a comment to work!! (It's been a while!)
I love the idea of a party! I mean it should be all about you Pug right?
So Dutch, you've got to give Pug a stuffed animal and sew secret treats inside. That way your mom will have no idea that Pug is sneaking treats, and you come off as the best big brother ever! Oh I got that idea from watching a prison show, but I won't tell you where they hide things...yuck!!
Leopardskin Bed!
Hi Dutch
Lucy the house cat here. The 3E's told me about Puglet's upcoming birthday bash.
My suggestion, whatever you do make sure you have music, the kind of music that would make Puglet want to **SHAKE HIS MONEY MAKER**.
HAHAHA, now wouldn't that be a site to see!
Lucy...the SA House Cat
Dutch...A steak Nylabone would be perfect. Not only would it not add poundage, but it TASTES like steak and lasts for a very long time!!! We looooooooove ours.
Kitty and Coco
Hi Dutch,
I think you should throw a doggie b day party and invite all Daily Puglet Fans. That would be a great idea.
Thank you soo much for all the birthday wishes you guys. I apologize for the late reply, my two dad's have been busy....but they didn't forget my birthday.
They surprised me with a birthday cookie cake that nite. Of course, I tried to stuff it all in my mouth but it didn't work.
Since I'm not a big fan of toys, they just got me a bag of treats, that I can share with my lil brother, Paxton.
Again, thanks for the well wishes, woof!
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