Horton = couch | Owen = crack | Me = couch-crack combo
Apparently people don't know there are two kinds of pugs: crack pugs and couch pugs. Crack pugs have crazy energy. They're totally down for stuff like running and fetching and sports like agility. Couch pugs are, well, not so sporty. Me, I'm more of a crack pug. Maybe a couch-crack combo. I think chasing cows is superfun... but so is napping.So, when we were at the beach over the weekend and me and the Crazy Labrador Brothers were trying to figure out who's #1 (uh, me) I got a lot a really funny looks from people. One dude stopped to take our picture and some lady videoed us with her iphone.
This happens a lot.
People always ask my human if I'm a pug-mix because pugs aren't "supposed" to be so... athletic. A lot of people don't think a pug can swim or run or hike, but they are wrong. So wrong.

This happens a lot.
People always ask my human if I'm a pug-mix because pugs aren't "supposed" to be so... athletic. A lot of people don't think a pug can swim or run or hike, but they are wrong. So wrong.

Are you a crack pug or a couch pug? know there are a lot of non-pugs here, so you can vote too :)
* * *
Today is not special, but we do need some Juju. Well, not me-we. A pug named Trunks in Florida. He hurt his back real bad and needs some extra good juju to make sure the steroids do their thing. Please send some healing/anti-surgery juju his way!
Definitely CRACK! You don't need to be crack to excel in agility, but it sure helps.
Izzie's a couch-crack combo i'd say. She has to be though, i'm sure she'd be a crack dog if i wasn't a university student though. She knows when it's time to play and when she needs to relax. Agility = Crack time, Therapy = Couch time, Hiking/Rollerblading/Training = Crack time, Me studying = Couch time.
Me? I'm a couch pug. I like to do my own thing, lie in the sun, snooze whereever I like. My peoples are always amazed when I break out the occasional sprint at pug play days. My sister, however, is a couch-crack combo. She has CRAZY energy for playing, but then quiets down and insists on snuggling with mom....
Hi Puglet
I am a total couch at home but get me to the PARK and I am totally crack.
Love Noodles
Trunks!! get better soon, me and my 3 pugs sending you very special polish juju !! hope it will help!!
My 3 pugs always arouse great interest. People take pictures of them and ALWAYS ask if they are siblings, and how I distinguish them because they are identical (obviously not). People also think that pug is just lying, sleeping and doesn't need go for walk a lot.
It's completely not true!!! All my babies love napping, but they LOVE walks, running ect. Fredzio is combo like you Puglet, Zuzia is more like crack, and only Pucia (she spent 4 years of her life in cage :( ) is real couch :) I love all the dogs (and cats) but pugs are just GREAT !!! and if you ask me, they are maybe dogs but for sure from another planet :)
Mack here today, since Minnie is only 1/2 pug she can't answer! Anyway, I am a totally, 100%, certifiably a couch pug. Come over and see my Certificate.
Witnesses have said they've seen me run on 2 occasions:
1. After pooping I will sprint for maybe 20-30 feet
2. When my dinner is being served. I'm so fast, it's only a blurrrrrrrr
Hang in there kid, you'll convert as you get older!
Drools and licks,
Mack and no Minnie today
I would have to say that I'm a combo leaning heavily toward the couch side. I used to be crack before I got sick, but now, like Mack (you "cracked" me up) and Noodles, there are only a few things that make me go crazy...walks, getting fed, or the prospect of food anywhere anytime, going places in Chicago or other adventures.
Mom says I'm so cracked out, I'm a junkie. If I don't have play time, I start the shakes. I start hitting up other people to play with me...I admit it...I will even hang out at street corners trying to have someone (anyone) throw a ball for me.
Mom says I'm pathetic and she too thought pugs were suppose to be couch bums. I showed her!!
I'm totally a couch-mild crack combo. LOL
Sending good juju vibes to Trunks!
Hi Puglet,
We are couch-crack combos. We like to snooze but just show us an agility field or take us to an agility competition and we kick a**. We always hear everything pugs are not supposed to do and thats just bunk...we do it all. Run, hike, walk, jump, do agaility, Eli can swim..we are awesome.
Ok so much for blowing our own horns, now for serious business.
Trunks.. hang in their buddy, our sis Ellie has 3 herniated discs, she lost the use of her legs for a while but now she is almost perfect cept for her wobbly back legs and no surgery.
JUJU, JUJU to you Trunks - From the San Antonio Pugs
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
Dear Puglet,
I am definitely a crack/couch combo. I love to run and tease and be chased. My signature move is the tuck and run. I tuck my butt down and run like the wind. I often get comments and questions at the park too. Humans can't believe how fast I am, for a pug, whatever that means. But I can nap the day away with the best of 'em! Chili is a couch pug. :)
Sending Trunks much Juju!
Puglet, you have such an old-soul look on your face...who's really inside that little pug body??
I don't have a pug or even a labrador, but I do have a black and white very large 22 pound cat named Lewis. He is definately a couch. Maybe even a rug...
Kris in Oklahoma
Oh Puglet...let me see, what am I? Crack, of course, with a little couch thrown in, I do love my naps! But if someone makes a move towards my box of toys...lookout cuz I'm expecting to play if ya touch one of 'em!
More big Texas JuJu coming your way Trunks!
Hi Puglet,
I'm a total couch potato at home and I can lie in the sun for hours without moving.
But my daily walks are my crack. If I don't get out enough (like during really long crappy winters or crazy hot summers) my pent up energy makes me super ansy. I'm a hunting dog - I gotta get out there!
Trunks - good vibes from all over the world are coming your way.
Hi Puglet, my human says I'm definitely a crack pug. Humans sometimes ask if I'm all pug, too; she says it's because I'm too skinny from all the exercise I get running around the park and chasing her up the stairs and stuff.
I need to get more tubey! Hmm ... maybe some banana and bacon no-cream would help...
Harley Bean here! My mom says I'm a couch pug. Although, I do have my feisty moments. They only last a minute or two and then I need to nap. My cocker spaniel sister is on crack. She always chases me and jumps on me and I just ignore her. It really makes her mad and I just laugh inside.
Lucy is a combo for sheezy. She demands three ball throwings on weekends and wrestles and chases her brother all day long, but when it is couch time, it is couch time and she crashes hard.
Trucks, much ju-ju and puggle prayers to you, Dude, today and everyday until you're 100% re(pug)covered ... haha-a little pug play on words, there. Relax and be a couch pug for the summer and by fall you'll be back on your pugs, errrr, paws. Don't eat too much no-cream treats, tho, or else you'll end up as a pugaloon. Ha-ha, more pug play on words.
**Roxi, Riley & Lea (The Jersey Shore Puggles)
Hu-Mom Rose here. You take care of yourself too, darling. You'll be no good to Trunks if you have yourself a nervous breakdown. Hope it helps to know we're all out here in cyberspace praying for an easy, speedy recovery for your little fella.
Hiya Puglet!
First off, much JUJU to Trunks--I stopped letting Beulah jump off my big-girl bed when I heard your story.
Secondly, Beulah is most definitely a crack pug! We once went to Petsmart, did a 3-hour hike up the escarpment, then went to the chichi pet store and she was still revved up. They only times I have seen her really crash are after Pugstock (3 hours of pug playing), and after she played with two 6-year old humans when she was a puppy (they were on the crack too!).
Barney is psychologically a crack-lab, but physically a couch-lab. He gets sooooo excited to go out (especially when I bring the ball!), but I think his 4-year puppy-mill confinement caused him to not have much stamina. He's usually done after 15 minutes of ball-playing (to the point where if we go too long, he may not be able to walk the five minutes home). Beulah can run cirles around him even when he's at top speed--most people think she's a puppy rather than 4 years old!
Trunks, take your time to get better.
I learned how to walk last summer after I got rescued from a puppy mill - my back legs were stuck together, I did not know how to separate them. I only knew how to hop... I was kept in a tiny cage for almost 6 years as a breeding machine : ( I now love going for walks, run, jump, kick my bro's a**, etc. But ya know, snuggle up with favorite human on couch is the best thing ever. (well, second, maybe... food comes first) So enjoy snuggle time with your human, once you are completely recovered, you will get to do whatever you want. Heck, I will even send you some of my SPAM !!
My pug is 8 and he's always been kind of mellow, but he's athletic. Obsessed with fetch and very nimble. I think of him as a lion - 22 hours of power-napping for 2 hours of high-caliber athletics.
Trunks and your people, pug love and Qi (did you know that pugs are Qi experts?) to you from the Northwest and cyberspace.
Sorry Trunk man...forgot to send juju your way in my last post. I will do a juju dance for you and wiggle my jiggle.
Oh...does anyone call you suitcase as a nickname? You know cause of trunks being luggage and all? Sorry bad joke to lift your spirits
ps. We are watching French open, we bark at Maria Sharapova. Her grunt bugs the h*ll out of us, pugs. It's like watching the Aminal Planet....
Sammy and Neko - Mega juju to Trunks !!
OMG......I can't believe my name was mentioned on the Daily Puglet!!! I am so happy right now :) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I have never had so many fur babies and humans praying for me before, I totally think it’s working! I tried to play with my toys yesterday and this morning, my mom started to cry she was so happy. I am feeling a bit better today but still a bit wobbly, I think the steroids are working. I am going for a recheck tomorrow at the vet, so keep that good JUJU coming!!
Trunks and Demarus
i was def a crack pug as a puppy. mom didnt know there were the two kinds of pug. i still get revved up at times but as i matured i've gotten way more couchy. my crackness has kinda morphed into mischief. i still pugtona sometimes, i do the feed me dance and get excited to go potty with mom but now instead of being fully crackified i'll go look for things to mess with to get out my extra energy. i go into stealth mode and sneak away when shes busy watching tv or on the phone.
Have to say combo here. I definitely am cracker crazy UNTIL 9pm. At that time, I zonk out and snore until I am sucking in the curtains. Nothing really revives me until I have had a full night of beauty sleep (punctuated by a 6am potty break). The heat here in the South sort of wilts me slightly, but nothing can break me baby!
Pee.S. Today is Kitty's birthday. I didn't see her name mentioned.
Happy Birthday Kitty!!
Puglet, you are so funny.
Sending prayers to Trunks...better than juju.
CRACK lol I'm wiping the tears from my eyes
Hmmmm. Looks like the crack-couch is a popular combo :)
Mucho good juju to Trunks!! Sorry I didn't mention it earlier. I always send the juju and the happy vibes to those in need or celebrating a special day even if I don't mention it.
Btw, Bellatrix, how 'bout "Speedo" instead of trunks?! Get it? BOL!!!
hey puglet,
eddie from germany here. i totally love to run and play with my friends from the park or with mommy and the kong. and then people always say "wow he is playing with a kong? he is a real sports pug" at these times i am really crack pug. but when i come home from all the playing and running i fall asleep for hours because i am so exhausted. so it seems to me like i am also a couch pug.
so both seems to fit for all of us in a way.
love and good juju to florida!
Puglet, like someone said above, you are definitely an old soul. Your human is so lucky for you to have chosen her...
It's looking like you have a lot of friends in your Friends Gallery, do you know how many?
Puglet, you must be so entertaining to watch. Maybe someday your human can take video of you?
I just took a good look at the picture of all the pugs and Owen even looks like a crack pug! Funny!
My guys are crack-couch pugs too. Kermit is lazier than Gino, for sure.
My pugs do agility most weekends and the most common comment is "I can't believe those are pugs". I would rather hear "what an amazing run” but there you go. :-)
I'm totally a mix. I love to sleep in, and I need to be woken up to go to work every day. And everyone is always ready to walk out the door so I'm the last one up. I sleep at work all day, and I love the couch. But when it's time to get up and get moving, forget about it. I love walks, hikes, kayaking, etc. I have hiked all the way to the top of Seneca (WV) with my climbing buddies and a Golden Retriever I'm pretty fond of, and it is the most fun! My buddy Maggie Pug is pretty athletic herself.
Just catching up on your posts
Love how you defined each! Totally fits...my bro Winston, he's a muscular boy, was very sluggish when he arrived at 18 mos. Is learning how to play a bit...Me, I FETCH, RUN, CATCH, JUMP, SPIN, (haven't tried the swimming thing yet, looks 'cool' though!). I'm stubborn a bit, but I am so active! I weigh 5 lbs less than ol' fatty Winston! LOL!
Me, I'm a 2 years old crack/couch pug. I do sleep a lot, and I love to watch TV laying on my humans, but when it's time to play, I can run as fast as a shepherd, for at least.... 20 seconds!!! I swim, when I get the courage to put my legs into the water. And I could walk for hours with my humans. I even run beside my humans' bike! My energy is high high high and I'm always sooooooooo excited when I meet new people! My name is Pixie and my humans call me their little demon. My sister is a 1 and a half year bulldogue and I AM the one destroying the couch! I love you Puglet!!!!! <3 I'm from Quebec, would you marry me? ;) And have no babies because the vet removed my uterus when I still was a puppy...
I own a crack pug, I absolutely love his antics!
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