I had brain damage for awhile after my heart attack, but HAL4's brain didn't get hurt. He just needed a heart transplant. It didn't take long for Computer Man to give HAL4 a new heart, and now he's stronger and faster than ever. Computer Man said the next 3 days will be critical because sometimes new heart parts don't work and if they fail, it happens in the first 72 hours.
But please don't waste any juju on HAL4 (now HAL4.1). My human said I just got some juju emails... so as soon as my human gets caught up, I'll let you all know who could really use some juju.
Oh yeah - and look what got stuck to our door this morning!! It happened when my human was in the shower. I barked my head off, but without thumbs there wasn't much else I could do. Luckily we can pick the box up tonight at the UPS place, so my normal cuteness will be back tomorrow. Woo hoo!
Yeah HAL4.1 and yeah Nikon! I'm going to ask for two treats in honor of successful reboots. Take your time getting caught up and we'll see you tomorrow!
PS. You had brain damage after your heart attack?!? That's horrible and scary...and I know a think or two about brain damage!
Oh Man DP, that techology stuff - can't live with it / can't live without it" So true. Anyway, we have been on vacation so we have missed your missed cuteness which is good cause it means we really didn't miss anything at all. Hu-Mom has been reading us last weeks postes to get us all caught up on the good (Panda Heads for Sadie) the bad (Not Cool Ysabelle) and the ugle (Nikon at tech vet and Hal 4 in coma). Sounds like your Human needs a vacation. Come to NJ and visit your cousin. It's HOT here!
Roxi, Riley and Lea (The Jersey Shore Puggles)
Nothing but GOOD news today, huh Puglet? I am sure the warmer weather and sunny skies has a lot to do with all the good things that are happening.
Sunshine and Lollipops
Love Noodles
Hi Puglet,
HAL4.1 looks like someone took him into outerspace, dismantled him and dropped him back to earth. Yikes.
NIKON is back thats wonderful news well at least he's almost home.
101 today with a heat index of 106... does anyone want to visit us??
Mom better get the pool out tonight thats all we gotta say.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli in way to HOT Texas.
See what happens when mom tries to get clean? This is why we all like to stay dirty. If she had, she would have a camera right now!
I'm glad HAL4 is fixed. Can't wait for all the news of the world!
Friends of Puglet:
Can anyone in New England foster a special needs couple for Pug Rescue of New England?
We have a pair coming in that must stay together. 7-ish, M is blind insulin-dependent diabetic, F fine health, acts as M's seeing eye dog. All of our special needs foster homes are full. Please help by passing word along. If we don't get these two in this week they're shelter-bound :(
Please contact PRoNE via Pug Rescue Of New England
They're a great group to foster for.
Iggy and Charlie
Yay~ everything's in order now. Awww, love the picture of you so much.
The temp's finally up to 63 at lunch time human mama is wearing a sweater. The weather's broken...
Oh Puglet...you can't get any cuter with that UPS sticker! Love that pic! So happy that all is getting better at your house that I did a happy dance for you. Nikon coming home is a really good reason for a treat, don't ya think? I thought so and also think we should have one for HAL4.1 being in recovery too.
All this techno good news, requires some celebrating. I think a fresh batch of cookies for you and brother Dutch would be an excellent way to get the party started!
My mom is praying really hard that M and F can find a good foster home really fast, and I will cross my paws.
Yay for Hal4.1, and I bet as soon as UPS has Nikon back at UPS pickup, your human will be right there to pick it up. Treats all around!
Wooooohoooo for HAL4.1 and Nikon!!!
You can all be back in action!
Paula from DE
Things are looking up, Puglet! First HAL 4.1 and now Nikon? Woohoo! Happy days are here again!
We're so excited for Nikon to be back! Probably not as excited as you Puglet, and your human
Glad to hear your hooman is getting HAL back. Build your own or maybe a Mac I'd say.
Next time though I'd suggest NOT getting a Dell. Seriously.
Hi Puglet! This is Chili. Coco never lets me type on the big box, but she's in trouble because she started eating poop again. We have been away for awhile, so it looks like we missed out on all kinds of stuff, like eating frogs and Ysabelle's uncool comment and USPS delivering Pandas!
I read one of the comments in response to Ysabelle's uncool post about having inverted eyelashes that scratch the corneas. My human says that is what I had when I came home. I had surgery and now they aren't inverted, but it was too late for one of my eyes. It doesn't produce tears anymore so my human has to put eye drops in it, and I get lots of goopy stuff in it. My human has to clean it out all the time.
I like all the humans that take care of their pugs, and especially the humans that read the Daily Puglet with their pugs, cats and other four leggers. I don't know if Coco will let me do the comment again, but I just wanted to say hi to you and everyone.
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