Cute #2!
We now have Team Puglet's official entry for the new contest. YAY!
Here's the link to register & vote: http://tinyurl.com/yk6kdee
If you're asking other humans to click for me, DailyPuglet.com now has a special page with all the details in one place. Hopefully, this will make it super-easy for people to join in.
We spent today down at the giant pumpkin festival. My friend Jack the Labrador's human works for the town and finagled a way to have "Vote for Pug" posters put up all over the place. My face was on the side of a parade car, on buildings and city work trucks. Made me feel almost famous.
I met LOADS of pug fans and posed for about a zillion pictures. My human says even if I don't win the contest, my face is now on plenty of iPhones. I wonder if there's a prize for that?
-- Overall Cuteness Results --
Cute #2 WINNER [49 votes]
Cute #3 came in a distant second [24 votes]
Cute #5 took a close third [19 votes]
Cute #4 ranked only luke-warm cute [9 votes]
Cute #1 was me at my least-cutest [3 votes]
All are so adorable, but if I have to choose it would be #2 also.
Go Team Puglet!!! And Woohoo for Jack the Lab- Smart man! Pug Hugs, Lola
Puglet, your human takes very very good pictures of you and your brother! Our human attempts such worthy pics, but always seems to fall a little short. Ah well, I guess we'll just have to let her practice more on us.
Good luck with the contest!
I think Jack may have had some help, but who knows!? Maybe once you get the tennis ball out of his mouth, he gains a few hundred IQ points :)
Paco & Honey - you should really let your human practice taking your pictures so the world can see how cute you are. Tell her to try these things:
Kill the flash & find some natural light (I'm facing a bright window in all those "Cute #" pics)
Get down to dog level or bring us up to yours (in today's pic I'm on a couch & my human was scrunched down on her knees)
Get really close to your dog to fill the picture with cuteness (see how much of today's picture is my cuteness vs. pillows and blankets?)
Oh - and give cookies whenever the camera comes out.
Hi Puglet! Mom didn't have a chance to vote but this was her favorite anyway!
This is so random, but we actually did the same, exact thing with our Pug, Frank over here on our blog (vote for cutest pic, then add it to contest).
No matter what happens with the contest (you've got a great lead) I'd love to talk with you about your Pug and potentially how we can team up our Pug power for a greater good!
Also, I saw that we're both in SF, so we have to meet! Please email me (hup at hupandsteph dot com) when you get a chance -- I'd love to chat about our mutual love for the Pugs. :)
Hey Hup!
I hope you heard the great big AWWWWWWW coming from the other side of town. That "full-body neutered" picture of Frank is just too.... AWWWWWW.
I think you picked the best one.
Good luck in The Cute Contest (we stopped voting for Puglet, but we voted for Frank anyway).
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